AR and VR App Development Services in NYC

Technology like augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) allows users to immerse themselves in a simulated experience. By 2021, the virtual reality/augmented reality market is expected to be $108 billion, with augmented reality having an $83 billion share. Companies are already opting to invest in these technologies in order to enhance the user experience. 

Want to implement AR/VR in your product?

Mixed reality spectrum

Augmented reality lies in the mixed reality spectrum, which ranges from the physical environment to the virtual environment. 

  • First on the spectrum is the real world that we live in. 
  • Augmented reality is next on the spectrum, which is where aspects of the virtual world are layered over the real world (example: IKEA Place app).
  • Then there’s virtual reality, where the user is immersed in a virtual environment but is aware of or utilizing the physical world around them (think virtual reality headset games). 
  • And at the end of the spectrum, there’s the digital environment, where you’re fully immersed in virtuality and completely unaware of the physical world around you. 

The mixed reality spectrum allows developers to create a multitude of enhanced experiences for users across various platforms.

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What is Augmented Reality?

AR is bringing aspects of the digital world into reality. With the use of smartphone cameras that individuals are already using every day, AR can bring any 3D model to life by altering the world that the user is in. When we say altering reality, we mean that through the lens of the user’s camera.

Whether it’s seeing a Pokémon while walking in the park or trying a virtual pair of glasses on before purchasing, those features are not physically present in reality. AR provides a unique opportunity to bring together the digital and physical world for their users, which can create incredible advantages for companies.

Benefits of AR

AR offers a series of benefits for users and companies alike. In the eCommerce industry, over half of online shoppers are more interested in product visuals than product information and reviews; this creates a significant opportunity to integrate AR into your services. Say you want to buy a makeup product that you think goes well with your complexion, only to find that it doesn’t match your skin tone and now since you’ve used it, nine times out of ten you can’t return it. Not only have you wasted money, but you’ve wasted time. Or maybe you purchase a shirt online that you think will look good on you, but then it arrives and the colors really don’t match your skin tone; now you have to take time out of your day to return the shirt. This is an even bigger hassle when it comes to furniture. After finally screwing in the last piece to your coffee table, you realize that it doesn’t match the color scheme of the rest of the room. Now you have to take it apart and lug the heavy box back to the furniture store. With the use of AR, you can offer a “try before you buy” experience for consumers. Offering this unique experience to online shoppers eliminates an array of issues faced when shopping online.

Have an idea for an AR app?

In 2019, we’re seeing incredibly smart integrations of AR with popular brands. Warby Parker’s app uses AR to let users try on a pair of frames before deciding to purchase. IKEA Place allows users to place true-to-scale models of furniture in their homes to see if it matches the aesthetic they’re going for. Offering users a “try before you buy” experience not only keeps them engaged with your brand but also increases the likelihood of them purchasing because of the confidence created through these experiences. Solving these issues for shoppers with AR technology boosts your sales because users are making purchases they feel confident in.

AR creates an enhanced user experience that your competition most likely doesn’t offer. These powerful technologies help solve real consumer issues, like the struggle of having to ship back a product. AR gives you a leg up as a trusted source because you’ve taken the extra step to provide a more personalized and improved user experience. Whether it’s glasses, furniture, or cosmetics, integrating AR into your services provides users the opportunity to make more informed decisions, ultimately persuading them to buy into what your selling.

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Uses of Augmented Reality

AR is starting to show up more and more in our everyday lives. The most popular use of AR that put this technology on the map for everyday use was Pokémon GO. Before Pokémon GO, the realm of Pokémon was only accessible through gaming systems and handheld gaming systems, with limited opportunity for multiplayer interactions.

The introduction of this cult-classic mobile game brought the Pokémon world into our reality. AR technology allowed developers to enhance the user experience by bringing these childhood creatures into our world and adding more multiplayer opportunities.

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Similar to IKEA Place, Amazon allows users to view certain decor in their home before using that free two-day shipping. No longer did shoppers have to worry about the hassle of returning a futon that didn’t quite match the aesthetic. After the craze of Pokémon GO, Snapchat decided to join in on the fun with the interactive facial filters. From puppy ears to face distortion features, Snapchat bought into AR technology to bring more fun to the user experience. Do you even remember social media before there were facial filters? Neither do we.

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AR technology doesn’t stop with eCommerce or social media either. Google Maps recently launched Live Mode for walking navigation, allowing users to see their surroundings with directional signs on their phones. This feature makes navigating the busy streets so much easier (and safer). Google Translate’s instant camera feature allows users to translate text in the world around them, like signs or handwritten notes. SkyView allows star-gazers to use their phones in order to identify stars, constellations, and much more in the sky. With the ability to alter or enhance the reality we’re living, the sky is the limit (pun intended) with AR technologies.

We’ve also experimented with our own AR project called Toppler. Our developers brought the family game night classic of Jenga to mobile with the use of AR.

This multiplayer game can be played on one or multiple phones, without the hassle of cleaning up afterward. Toppler changes the game (literally) by making stacking as realistic as it can get on a phone.




Why Implement AR into your product?

AR technology has allowed some of the greats to become greater. Implementing AR into your product or service allows users to immerse themselves further into your brand’s world, which is where you want them.

AR technology elevates the user experience to new heights, putting you ahead of your competitors. Going the extra mile and using AR in your offering personalizes the experiences that are often impersonal. Overall, it shows that you can be a trusted resource exactly when your users need it.

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