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Article in App of the Week category.
Baseplate is the Ultimate Lego Companion App
Lego has been experiencing a bit of a renaissance recently. It’s always done well, but ever since COVID, they’ve been increasingly popular, especially as they’ve…
Lego has been experiencing a bit of a renaissance recently. It’s always done well, but ever since COVID, they’ve been increasingly popular, especially as they’ve introduced more and more adult-themed sets. Baseplate is a fantastic companion-building app to keep track of all the sets you have and the ones you hope to get.
Developed by Shihab Mehboob, Baseplate uses the camera to identify Lego kits automatically. Point it at the box and it knows what set it is, when it was released, how many pieces it has, and the age range. The Lego Group makes much of this information public so Baseplate can pull up the full building instructions for any set you’d like. Learn about the set before adding it to your lists. You can add it to your wishlist, purchased list, or built list.
The app is bright, with a white background and color accents. These match the primary Lego colors of red, blue, and yellow. Green sneaks in there sometimes too.
Recently they've added a new “upcoming” feature to the app where it will promote the latest sets. This is great to preview what’s coming up soon — right now you can see the Lego Simba or Mona Lisa sets.
You can add widgets for Baseplate to both the Home Screen and the Lock Screen. Pro users can take advantage of Shortcuts, building in automations for Baseplate. The app is universal, working across all of Apple’s platforms. It’s on iPhone, iPad, Mac, Apple Watch, and even Vision Pro.
As a final fun touch, you can take a photo — or import a photo — and Baseplate will convert it into bricks. You can’t really build it, but seeing your favorite shots this way is fun!
But enough about other people's apps.