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Best App to Find Your Next Concert: Discover and Attend Your Dream Concerts with Bandsintown
Bandsintown is a concert discovery app that makes it easy to track your favorite artists by notifying you when they’re touring nearby.

Summertime is the season to discover and attend all the concerts you’ve been looking forward to. Whether you’re into mainstream artists who dominate massive venues or underground bands that cater to a smaller, intimate crowd, it’s always helpful to have a platform that streamlines the process of finding concert tickets to your all-time-faves.
Bandsintown was originally founded in 2007 by Todd Cronin and Phil Sergi as a service that connected concert-goers with their favorite artists. More than a decade later, they now find Bandsintown with over 50,000,000 users and 500,000 musicians registered on the site. With a growing user base, it only made sense that they amplified their services through mobile platforms like Android and iOS.
Bandsintown is a concert discovery app that makes it easy to track your favorite artists by notifying you when they’re touring nearby. From iTunes to Spotify to even your Facebook likes, Bandsintown scans your music interests to figure out who you are and which artists you most likely listen to. The app’s algorithm also helps you find other artists within the same genre so you can keep your music tastes fresh.
Not only does the app connect you to your favorite artists, but it also keeps track of all the shows you’ve purchased and shares concert information with your friends. To help you keep track of when your next concert is, Bandsintown automatically syncs as events on your calendar. Want to experience the excitement with your social circle? Invite them to view the details of the next big gig and make it a fun evening get-together.

Bandsintown was featured on Business Insider as “the best way to see when your favorite artist is coming to town” and on TechCrunch for its in-app ticketing integration with Ticketmaster. It is completely free to download; the only price you’ll pay is for the tickets to see your favorite artist live!
Download Bandsintown now and snag your tickets!
But enough about other people's apps.