Frontend Dev Challenge: Week 8
Every two weeks the Frontend Team at Fueled partake in a development challenge: a loose brief is given to the team on a Friday (with the briefs being decided by any of the team with a suitable idea), between Monday and Wednesday we build our solutions, and then on our weekly team call we each present our submission providing rationale and opening up a discussion – typically people talk about the bits they enjoyed, found tricky, and areas they’d have further elaborated on if they’d had the time.
The Brief
“Less is more” – Build a landing page with a minimalist focus.
The Submissions
Rob Sterlini
See the Pen by Rob Sterlini (@robsterlini) on CodePen.
Harriet McMahon
See the Pen by Harriet McMahon (@harrietmcmahon) on CodePen.
Timo Jedai

Joe Richardson
See the Pen by Joe (@dope) on CodePen.
Next time…
This is a fortnightly endeavour, so stay tuned!
You can relive past challenges and get updates each time a new set of submissions is added by watching or starring the GitHub repo.