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Article in App of the Week category.
Be Your Friends’ Best Matchmaker with Ship
If you’re already in a relationship but miss the thrill of being on a dating site, this fun dating app will still allow you to…

It’s 2019, and you’ve seen it all when it comes to online dating—apps like Tinder, OkCupid and Coffee Meets Bagel dominate the social network sphere, connecting thousands of people every day. Eventually, swiping and passing through countless profiles can feel cumbersome. And when the ratio of bad dates to good becomes startlingly imbalanced, it might be time for someone else (or a fun dating app!) to step into your love life.
Having released Crown in 2018, Connect LLC jumped into the new year with another app that encourages your friends to determine the best date-worthy candidate. Instead of spending money on a professional matchmaking service, why not rely on your personal circle instead?
Ship is an app that allows your friends to set you up with potential matches. After registering for an account, you invite your closest confidantes into your Crew where they can then discuss, collaborate, and facilitate possible date choices for you. Since they’re doing the grunt work of searching through eligible profiles, all you have to do is choose from the selection they present to you.
If you’re already in a relationship but miss the thrill of being on a dating site, this app will still allow you to be an active participant. Simply join one of your single friends’ Crews, acquaint yourself with their circle, and become their personal wingman. You’re only swiping to play matchmaker—no infidelity involved.

Ship is still fairly new to the game but is already featured in the App Store for top Social Networking. Although there are still a few blemishes here and there, like being unable to see your crew’s photos and names, there’s plenty of room for this fun dating app to improve.
Ship allows your friends to play pivotal roles in finding you a promising date—and what better way is there to bond for the month of February? Download this app now to bring truth into their slogan: make dating fun again.
But enough about other people's apps.