Article in Product Design UX UI category.

How to Improve your Mobile Checkout Experience

Discover how Fueled and Amplitude enhance mobile checkout experiences in their webinar, focusing on upselling and minimizing friction for better retention.

The Fueled Growth team recently partnered with Amplitude, a leading digital platform for product analytics, to produce a three-part webinar series: “Zero to Hero: Fixing the App Design Mistakes That Are Costing You Customers”. The goal of this series is to showcase how data-driven insights can inform design decisions, enabled by the powerful functionality of Amplitude.

In the presentations, which can be viewed bellow, the Fueled team will highlight case studies of consumer apps and walk through how each client can optimize their in-app experiences and growth metrics.

Checkout optimization

Our last webinar features Fresh, a grocery delivery service with a loyalty program who wants to build a best-in-class mobile checkout experience. After visualizing the conversion funnel, it’s clear that there is a significant dropoff rate during the onboarding for first time users. The multiple Club Card loyalty prompts distract the user from their main goal, which is to complete the checkout process.

By analyzing the conversion drivers on Amplitude, the Fueled team confirmed that there is a high correlation between skipping the Club Card signup and completing the mobile checkout. This suggests that there is an opportunity for checkout optimization: both reducing the time to completion by moving the loyalty step later in the purchase funnel and incentivizing more Club Card signups. Amplitude Experiment is used to facilitate the A/B testing of two different loyalty pop-up designs, placed after a delivery has been confirmed.

The Fresh app redesign points to an important insight of how to drive lifetime value: focus strategic marketing efforts like upselling on delightful moments in the in-app experience. A strong checkout user experience should also be frictionless. Standout apps remove roadblocks that prevent users from making desired actions, leading to higher satisfaction and retention in the long-run.

Webinar 3:

Missed the last two topics? Check out the first and second webinar

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