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Stay ahead of the JavaScript Curve: BuzzJS NYC
Fueled Collective members zen.digital To Host BuzzJS, for developers by developers We have all heard about the wealth of information at our fingertips, but it’s…
Fueled Collective members zen.digital To Host BuzzJS, for developers by developers
We have all heard about the wealth of information at our fingertips, but it’s easy to forget that fingertips are now only one among many ways we can access that vast reserve of knowledge.
So long as we are still waiting to welcome our new A.I. overlords from their digital womb and take care of all our thinking for us, how do we best access that knowledge? How do we learn?
Even in high-tech professions, there is much to say for the low-tech solution: good old fashioned face-to-face instruction in the classroom/conference environment.
It’s in that spirit that Fueled Collective members, zen.digital, present BuzzJS: a one-day, one-track JavaScript conference made for developers by developers.
The topic of the conference is JavaScript, the language of the internet and ipso facto the language of the future.
It will take place on June 3rd at the Microsoft Technology Center, overlooking Times Square, and feature widely recognized JavaScript experts Gleb Bahmutov, Ari Lerner, Sandro Pasquali, Daniel Zen, Alex Castillo and others.
JavaScript is no longer just a front-end technology useful for animation. With Node.js, it is fast becoming a mature backend technology, and the conference will highlight this Full Stack JavaScript potential.
Get ahead of the curve on the latest developments in JavaScript, its libraries and frameworks, including AngularJS 1&2, ReactJS, SystemJS, RxJS, TypeScript & ES6, API Design & Development, hacking neuro-networks, and more.
Survey the cutting edge of the industry at a price point palatable to working developers.