Recently our designer came with this gorgeous selector to pick color values on a linear scale:
Even though it might look complicated, it is pretty simple once you break it down into separate components. In this article, I am going to walk you through the process of creating it from scratch.
Divide and Conquer
The whole implementation can be divided into four components:
- drawing the circle
- drawing the gradient slider
- scaling the circle down on touch and animating the slider
- selecting the appropriate value based on where user lifts the finger
So let’s start with the first one, shall we? Actually before that, let’s lay down some ground work which will help us to write less code.
We will write a nifty observable property so that we do not have to call
on our view every time we update a property.
private fun <T> viewProperty(default: T) = object : ObservableProperty <T> (default) {
override fun beforeChange(property: KProperty <*>, oldValue: T, newValue: T): Boolean =
newValue != oldValue
override fun afterChange(property: KProperty < *>, oldValue: T, newValue: T) {
Now instead of writing var radius: Float = 0F
, we write var radius: Float by viewProperty(0f)
. Whenever the radius
changes, the view will be
invalidated automatically. This is particularly useful during animation as
you’ll see shortly.
Sizing it up
Before we get to any drawing, we will need to determine how big our view will
be. For SlideColorPicker
, I decided to limit it to the size of the circle.
To draw the gradient slider, we will draw outside our bounds by adding
to our parent layout. Now then, let’s get to
1. Drawing the Circle
Firstly, we will need a circle. It can be drawn easily by writing:
canvas.drawCircle(centerX, centerCircleY, radius, circlePaint)
is equal to width/2
of the view. Since the circle will only be
translated along the vertical axis, this value will never change. Similarly,
will be unchanged. The two interesting properties here are
and the radius
. Since changing them will require the view to
be redrawn, they are defined using our viewProperty
We will end up with something like this:
2. Drawing the Gradient Slider
Next up is the gradient slider. It can be achieved using a rectangle; a rounded rectangle to be precise.
left = centerX - originalRadius,
top = centerY - rectHeight,
right = centerX + originalRadius,
bottom = centerY + rectHeight,
will be changing on each draw call. It varies from
to the expanded height, which is equal to originalRadius * heightMultiplier
. The following image should help in visualizing the values.
You will notice that we are using drawRoundRect
instead of drawCircle
draw the colored circle in the collapsed state. It is just that the radius of
the corners is equal to height/2
of the rectangle which is why it looks like
a circle.
As for rectanglePaint
, we apply a gradient to it when we are in the expanded
state whereas in the collapsed state, we just show the selected color.
3. Animation!
Now comes the most interesting part — animation!
Following our divide and conquer principle, we need to do 2 things when the user touches the screen
- scale down the circle
- expand the slider
Furthermore, we want these animations to play in tandem. So, when the scale animation is at half the progress, so should be the expand animation. And when the user lifts up their finger, we want to reverse the animation.
For this reason, we will be using a
which goes from 0 to 1 and observe the values using an update listener. First
things first, let’s define an enum which will help us to identify whether the
touch event is DOWN
or UP
enum class TouchAction {
Now, using the touch listener, we can play the animation whenever the user interacts with our view.
when (event.action) {
MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN -> {
MotionEvent.ACTION_UP, MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL -> {
Finally, let’s implement the function which performs the animation:
private fun runAnimation(action: TouchAction) {
animator.apply {
addUpdateListener {
val value = it.animatedValue as Float
animateCircleScale(value, action)
animateRectangle(value, action)
if (action == TouchAction.UP) {
animateCircleToCenter(centerCircleY, value)
A bit of boilerplate here, but the primary functions we are concerned with are
, animateRectangle
and animateCircleToCenter
. Let’s
walk through them one by one:
animateCircleScale - It is responsible for (no points for guessing) animating the circle’s scale.
private fun animateCircleScale(
animatorValue: Float,
action: TouchAction
) {
val (startRadius, endRadius) = if (action == TouchAction.UP) {
scaledDownCircleRadius to originalRadius
} else {
originalRadius to scaledDownCircleRadius
radius = lerp(startRadius, endRadius, animatorValue)
As you can see, we decide the start radius and end radius
based on the
user’s action, and then just assign the lerp-ed value to radius
. And since
radius is an observable view property, we do not need to call invalidate()
If you are wondering what the lerp function does, check out this great explanation. I will be perfectly honest, I had seen this function before in other animation tutorials, but it didn’t quite click for me until I had to use it myself 😁
animateRectangle - No points for guessing ( didn’t he just use this
phrase? ) what this function does — it updates the halfRectHeight
which in turn triggers the re-drawing of the view. Doing this each time the
value animator updates results in the effect of expanding slider as seen in
the animation.
private fun animateRectangle(
animatorValue: Float,
action: TouchAction
) {
val (startHeight, endHeight) = if (action == TouchAction.UP) {
expandedHeight to originalRadius
} else {
originalRadius to expandedHeight
rectHeight = lerp(startHeight, endHeight, animatorValue)
animateCircleToCenter – You won’t get any points for guessing what this function does (this is the third time, what are these writing skills) — it animates the circle back to the center when the user lifts their finger. This is achieved by
centerCircleY = lerp(currentY, centerY, animatorValue)
We will also need to add the gradient to the rectangle paint on ACTION_DOWN . This is done using a linear gradient
val gradient = LinearGradient(
x0 = 0F,
y0 = originalRadius - expandedHeight,
x1 = 0F,
y1 = originalRadius + expandedHeight,
Its height will be equal to the height of our view in expanded state. Then we just apply it to the paint like so
colorGradientPaint.shader = gradient
We now have something like this
We are slowly but surely getting there! 🙌
Now let’s add drag support for the circle. Simply add an additional branch to
the when expression in onTouch
method for ACTION_MOVE
and set
to the Y value of the motion event.
4. Value Selection
Lastly, let’s update the selected color.
private fun setSelectedColor(position: Float) {
val progress = (position - upperLimit) / (lowerLimit - upperLimit)
val colorRes = ArgbEvaluatorCompat.getInstance().evaluate(progress, startColor, endColor)
colorGradientPaint.shader = null
colorGradientPaint.color = colorRes
We calculate at what point the user lifts their finger along the gradient
rectangle. Then we evaluate what color will that progress value evaluate to
using the ARGB Evaluator. Once we calculate that color, we apply that to the
and remove the gradient.
Just a little disclaimer, this view doesn’t let you pick the exact values and nor does it aim to (you’ll find that the math reflects that 😅). The current implementation is what we wanted. You can easily modify parts of this code such that the color selection becomes more precise.
So that’s it! This is the first time I have tried to implement a custom view with this many moving parts. It was a really interesting experience so I thought I might share it. I was thinking about creating a library but decided against that due to the limited use-case. Nevertheless, here is a repo containing the full code.
Thanks for sticking around till the end, hope you learned something!👋