Closure Table

Building a filesystem like a google drive, a threaded comments system, or an employee management system always sounds like a daunting task. The data for these use-cases has recursive relationships....

May 24, 2021 · 6 min · Akash Mishra (@tucosaurus)

Full-Text Search PostgreSQL or ElasticSearch

In this article, I’m documenting some of my findings when implementing Full-Text Search (FTS) in PostgreSQL (using Django ORM) and ElasticSearch. As a Django developer, I started looking into available options to perform a Full-Text search over a standard size of around a million rows....

May 16, 2021 · 3 min · Mayank Jain

Setup Full-Text Search Index in Django

In this tutorial, we will be setting up a pre-computed database index using database triggers to speed-up Postgres Full-Text Search in Django. To avoid the computation of tsvector using SearchVector on the fly, we can pre-compute the result in an indexed column....