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12 Funny (Fake) Twitter Profiles
Facebook and Twitter have served as great spaces for fake celebrity, politician, and fictional profiles. Some are funny, some are entirely offensive, and some are…
Facebook and Twitter have served as great spaces for fake celebrity, politician, and fictional profiles. Some are funny, some are entirely offensive, and some are both. Fueled has compiled twelve must-follow Twitter profiles that will keep you laughing!
1. Name: Lord Voldemort (@Lord_Voldemort7)
Followers: 1,326,248*
Last Tweet: Today*
Why We Like Him: The bad guy from JK Rowling's Harry Potter series is Twitter's baddest fictional villain (Sorry, @darthvader and the @DeathStarPR!)
2. Name: (Queen) Elizabeth Windsor (@queen_uk)
Followers: 374,055
Last Tweet: Today
Why We Like Her: Now we have an inside scoop of a day in the life of long-time British royalty, which apparently involves lots of gin?

3. Name: Stewie Griffin (@FalseStewie)
Followers: 41,545
Last Tweet: Yesterday
Why We Like Him: There have been many other Stewie Twitter profiles, but this version of Quahog's favorite baby has gained the largest following with help from dad, Peter.

4. Name: Chuck Norris (@fakechucknorris)
Followers: 16,427
Last Tweet: 10/8/2010
Why We Like Him: Although fake Chuck has been inactive for a while, his run on Twitter was just as epic as everything else he does!

5. Name: Steve Jobs (@falseSteveJobs)
Followers: 461,875
Last Tweet: 4/23/2011
Why We Like Him: This user mocks the Apple CEO by making him seem a little crazy and completely obsessed with Apple products.

6. Name: Jesus Christ (@Jesus_M_Christ)
Followers: 288,037
Last Tweet: 7/11/2011
Why We Like Him: Warning: Amidst the many religious (and sacrilegious) Twitters out there, this one proves to be even more offensive and crude than the rest. Complete with @ mentions to the Dalai Lama and retweets from Kurt Vonnegut.

7. Name: Betty White (@BettyFcknWhite)
Followers: 58,962
Last Tweet: 7/10/2011
Why We Like Her: We love Betty White, and this user does too! That's why he dedicated this Twitter to cute-little-grandma sayings mixed with satire and a bit of inappropriateness.

8. Name: Bender (@Bender)
Followers: 19,383
Last Tweet: 7/11/2011
Why We Like Him: This account might as well be the real Bender Rodriguez from Futurama, complete with his snarky comments and Robotic sense of humor.

9. Name: President Barack Obama (@theUSpresident)
Followers: 52,356
Last Tweet: 5/2/2011
Why We Like Him: Get an interesting take on White House happenings. With over 50,000 followers, Pres. Obama is more popular than @KimJongIl, @M_Ahmedinejad, and @FakeSarahPalin!

10. Name: Michael Bay (@michael_bay__)
Followers: 14,262
Last Tweet: 7/7/2011
Why We Like Him: This fake Twitter makes Director Michael Bay seem more outrageous and over-the-top than his explosive Transformers series.

11. Name: Twitter Whale (@TWITTERWHALE)
Followers: 142,930
Last Tweet: Yesterday
Why We Like it: Remember your frustration that time Twitter was down and the only thing you could get to was the Twitter whale? Well now he has a Twitter so you can read his updates any time!

12. Name: Bronx Zoo Cobra (@bronxzooscobra)
Followers: 232,975
Last Tweet: 7/10/2011
Why We Like it: Although the real cobra was found alive seven days after her escape, her Twitter account continues to make jokes and comments about New York, pop culture, and life in the zoo.

*Twitter Stats current as of 7/12/2011
Image source: Twitter.com