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2021 Fortune 1000 Companies Spreadsheet Download
UPDATE: 2022 FORTUNE 1000 LIST HERE It was surprisingly hard to find the top 2021 Fortune 1000 Companies in an easily copy/paste-able format, so we…
It was surprisingly hard to find the top 2021 Fortune 1000 Companies in an easily copy/paste-able format, so we put together our own.
What are the Fortune 1000 Companies?
Fortune 1000 is a list compiled by Fortune Magazine of the 1,000 companies with the highest revenue in the United States ranked. It's essentially the leader board of businesses. Fortune 500 is the more common subset of this list, which only has the top 500 companies in this list.
For the 67th edition of the list, the top 500 corporations make up more than $13.8 trillion in revenue, or an approximate of 2/3 of the US economy. This list helps people analyze and understand the current economic landscape and a glimpse of the type of industries and companies that have risen and fallen in popularity and necessity. The Fortune 1,000 list provides a better perspective of the constant changes that occur year to year in the lower half of the list.
Take a look at these interesting facts before we show you the full list:
- Walmart holds the first place for the 9th consecutive time, with a revenue of $449 billion (7% up from the previous year).
- The most profitable company for this year is Apple, making more than $50 billion in profits for the 3rd straight year.
- Exxon was highly affected by the pandemic, holding the lowest place the company has ever had in this list (10th), losing $22 billion.
- The top newcomer for this year is Rocket Companies (194th), since it shot on to the list and had a huge jump in revenue.
- There is a trend towards technology companies, e-commerce companies, and digital payment companies. The 5 most valuable companies are technology companies.
Looking for the Fortune 1000 companies list in spreadsheet form? Look no further, you can view it here (or download it as a CSV or XLS file)