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Article in App of the Week, Mobile App Development categories.
Need a photo editor that's easy to use and fully featured? Snapseed is the top-notch easy to use photo editor app that will make your…

Developed originally by Nik Software, the once premium photo editor app was bought by Google and released for free on all iOS and Android devices. Since then, there are even more features to get excited about.
Snapseed lets you easily filter, adjust, crop and generally improve the quality of your photos. Open up the app and Snapseed’s simple interface needs you to do only one thing. Import the image you want to work with. From there, the possibilities are wide open.

Snapseed has a variety of gorgeous, preset filters you can choose from and easily adjust by gesturing left or right on the screen. This intuitive UI of swiping either left to right or top to bottom applies to use of numerous visual tools. The simplicity encourages experimentation. This San Francisco app also provides all the standard editing tools you would expect. From the image editor, you can easily export or save a copy at any time, without having to worry about losing your original or iterations along the way.
You can view in-depth details about your photo from the app, including date, location, and image size. Even check what type of phone the photo was taken on, and the camera specs of that device.
If this seems like an overwhelming tool, there’s no need to worry. Snapseed provides numerous video and written tutorials from “First Steps” to “Mastering Vignettes” to everything you can imagine in between. This makes this the photo editor app for pros and budding Instagram artists to try their hand at some new techniques and get the most out of this summer’s set of snapshots.
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