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Article in App of the Week category.
Caset Has Those Nostalgia Mixtape Vibes
I know I’m not old, per se, but I am old enough have made mix tapes. I’d record songs off the radio, waiting around for…
I know I’m not old, per se, but I am old enough have made mix tapes. I’d record songs off the radio, waiting around for the right song to play. I loved it! I even loved sharing songs with others by little them listen to your earbuds. As we’ve transitioned more to streaming and wireless, some of those experiences have been lost. Caset can’t bring all of them back, but it does bring back the collaborative mix tape that you can craft over time with your friends.
The short of it is is that Caset lets you make playlists jointly with your friends and family. Everyone can contribute songs to a themed playlist and each song will have an icon to denote who added it down the right-hand side. The app has a whole album art creation tool where you can add an image, text, and more. When someone adds a new song, you’ll get a push notification to let you know what song was added, and by who.
The songs in your playlist all are sourced from Apple Music. If you like a song, you can jump heart it which will reflect in Apple Music and you can add it to your Apple Music library. Speaking of which, the Apple Music integration is only one of a few ways it ties into Apple’s features.
Your whole Caset app syncs to Apple Music so while you can have a collaborative experience in Caset, all the music is also in the stock Music app. You can toggle this syncing off on a perdevice basis and you have a sync history button to view what has changed. Caset uses other native experiences too such as rich notifications with album artwork and accreditation to the friend or family that added the song.
But enough about other people's apps.