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News Roundup: “Dude, Where’s my Car?” Edition
1. Patent Wars In case you've been under a rock, Apple won its patent dispute with Samsung. Check out BI's blow-by-blow of the case, plus…
1. Patent Wars
In case you've been under a rock, Apple won its patent dispute with Samsung. Check out BI's blow-by-blow of the case, plus Google reaction.
2. Alley > Valley
More and more startups are choosing New York over Silicon Valley. Why?
Read more at Mashable
3. Dude, Where's My Car?
Updated Garmin, Navigon apps remember where you parked, consider mass transit.
More from Engadget
4. Cashless Tipping:
Paying with a card won't be an excuse for not tipping your barista for very long, thanks to the Dip Jar.
(photo credit: Robert Miller, NY Post)