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Article in App of the Week category.
Felt: Digitizing Handwritten Cards
I’m all about the digital age we live in. I’ve got the connected home, a laptop and an iPad to go with my iPhone, and…
I’m all about the digital age we live in. I’ve got the connected home, a laptop and an iPad to go with my iPhone, and use Siri to get tasks done. Yet I’m a firm believer that a handwritten card is far more meaningful than simply sending a text. Sure enough, I still found a digital way to help me out with this.
Felt is an iPhone app that allows you to create real-world greeting cards and have them mailed out to your loved ones. The app is full of beautiful templates that you can build on to create your perfect card. Customize these with your own images and type out your message. But if you prefer, you can hand write on them as well.
This app merges the two by allowing you to doodle, scribble, and hand write anything you’d like on the cards. This can entirely replace the typed portion or you can supplement the typed text to make it come off as more personal. Underline words, draw smiley faces, or just sign your name.
It’s all very easy to do in the app and it walks you through the whole thing, step by step. On iPad, you can use Apple Pencil which makes writing even easier. As you send your card, you have multiple upgrade options including a premium paper, confetti, flowers, or other small gifts.
What I like even more than the cards though — and I like the cards a lot — is the smart features. You can input important dates and Felt will remind you as they approach so you can send a card. Taking it a step further, you can schedule cards to go out. You could pre-create multiple cards and schedule them to be sent and not worry about it. Felt will take care of everything.
Thank you’s, birthday cards, holiday cards, and much more can be tackled by using Felt without ever having to buy a stamp or cheesy Hallmark card from the local pharmacy. Save yourself the time, create gorgeous cards with your own handwriting and photos, and automate the whole thing so you’ll never miss an important date again.
But enough about other people's apps.