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Fueled Podcast: If you had $100,000 to invest in technology, what would you invest in?
It was a chilly day at the end of November in New York City, when Fueled’s Rameet Chawla and Ryan Matzner came together in the…

It was a chilly day at the end of November in New York City, when Fueled’s Rameet Chawla and Ryan Matzner came together in the Wellington Room of the Fueled Collective to record their first podcast.
The question, posed by yours truly (audience.io’s Courtney Boyd Myers) was:
If you had $100,000 to invest in technology, what would you invest in and why?
After getting off to a bit of a rocky start, the three dove into a brief conversation on investing in Bitcoin, tech IPOs and startups. Topics such as venereal diseases, the Winklevoss twins, personal lawsuits and why Airbnb is extremely overvalued may also have been mentioned.
Neither Rameet nor Ryan would invest their money into Bitcoin. When it came to Twitter, Ryan said he’d throw in $5,000 -- only to diversify -- while Rameet said he would never invest in the dying 140 character platform. “If you can’t make money at the peak of your business, something is fundamentally wrong,” he says.
Ryan then decides to plunk the remainder of his cash -- $95,000 -- into Shutterstock - while Rameet is less convinced. So what will Rameet invest in? And what other startups do the two gents think are investment worthy -- and which are definitely not?
Listen here for the full story: