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Fueled Presents: The 40 Year History of the Cellphone
The design team got a bit nostalgic recently, and our thoughts returned to the cellphone's good old days: the DynaTAC , the Nokia 7110, and Palm Treo.…

The design team got a bit nostalgic recently, and our thoughts returned to the cellphone's good old days: the DynaTAC , the Nokia 7110, and Palm Treo.
Starting with the DynaTAC in 1974 and ending with a side-by-side comparison between the iPhone 5s and the Galaxy Note, Fueled's designers and animators crafted the 40-year history of the cellphone. For some it will be a walk down memory lane, for others a history lesson.
While the film may have ended with the first model of an iPhone, Fueled decided to dig into the evolution of Apple's iPhone and compare it to top Android phones. It's remarkable how little the iPhone's aesthetic has changed in contrast to Android models, which are becoming larger and changing constantly.
What will the next 40 years look like? Fueled's Founder Rameet Chawla says, "While I don't know exactly when, it's only a matter of time before the cellphone will be completely obsolete."
It seems like only yesterday we upgraded to the iPhone 3G! Check out our ode to the cellphone below:
If you recognize the voice in the script, you'll know it's from an old advertisement from 1980s for DynaTAC. At the time, no one knew how big mobile would become and that this one man's prophecy would come true. Which phones did you own? Let us know in the comments.
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