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Article in Under the Hood category.
Introducing: Shoestagram, the Next Step in Wearable Tech
Today is an epic day. We at Fueled, along with our partners Hickies, Shapeways, Shopify and Definer, are thrilled to announce the launch of Shoestagram, “the…
Today is an epic day. We at Fueled, along with our partners Hickies, Shapeways, Shopify and Definer, are thrilled to announce the launch of Shoestagram, “the next big step in wearable technology.”™

Over the course of this coming financial quarter, Fueled will cease offering mobile design and development services to clients in order to devote our time and resources exclusively to Shoestagram. The technology is a monumental undertaking that incorporates both hardware and software components.
Its hardware, built in conjunction with Fueled’s hardware technology partner, Hickies, takes the form of a proprietary iPhone case that enables users to securely fasten their iPhones to their shoes. Its software, designed and developed with Fueled’s ideation partner, Definer, Inc., is a mobile app that will enable users to fully control their iPhones with a combination of custom voice commands and foot gestures.
Shoestagram was directly inspired by the true story of Fueled employee, Sven Lenaerts, an early adopter of Google Glass. The heartwarming tale of Sven’s disillusionment with Google Glass and his ultimate discovery of Shoestagram is told in this two minute video:
Fueled is now calling for interested members of the public to assist in the ongoing design and development of Shoestagram as part of the Shoestagram Technology Explorers Program (“STEP”). Because Shoestagram is built from the ground up, members of the first public STEP class will have the unprecedented opportunity to dig their heels in and leave their imprint upon the look, the feel, and every feeture™ of what what we hope will soon be the front-running wearable technology. In response to input by Fueled’s first STEPers (Fueled employees and members of the Fueled Collective), the Shoestagram app already comes equipped with patent pending “shake and take” technology as well as a "Street Mode," a "Selfie Mode," and a "Safari Mode."
Applications for the 1,000 spots in STEP should be tweeted @shoestagramme or posted on Shoestagram’s Facebook Page, along with an answer to the question #IfIHadShoestagram.
Join us as we take the next step in wearable tech.
Find Mary Hurd's Google Plus profile here: Google