Our Top Sites for Design Inspiration 40
Every week at Fueled, our London-based Director, Rob Palmer, shares a handful of inspirational websites with our teams in New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago. This weekly email acts as a virtual water cooler, encouraging us to congregate across time zones and discuss what brands and blogs are doing to push new trends in web design.
We get to admire the food and play with it, too. What could be better.
Fallen Angel 10th
Ever wanted to be fully immersed in a horror film that positions you behind the night-vision camera? Great; this site is for you.
Monochrome Paris
Style, art, virtual reality. Welcome to the future.
Mozaik Athens Greece
The consistency of theme and interactive elements separate this digital marketing agency's work from the rest of the pack.
The scrolling transitions and slideshow format prove Sequence understands how a user should interact with a website.