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Partnership with Amplitude: a Powerful Product and Behavioral Analytics Tool
We’re extremely excited to announce an official partnership with Amplitude, the creators of a powerful toolkit that explores product insights.
Over the years, Fueled has focused primarily on mobile strategy and app development but now, we’ve evolved to investing in widespread digital growth. Our team of developers, product managers, designers, and strategists dedicate their time into creating products that will continue to thrive in an ever-changing digital marketplace.
We work hand-in-hand with our clients to concept, design, and build digital products. In order for these products to see long-term success, we must develop and execute a comprehensive insights strategy that continues long past launch day.
A robust analytics program is a key part of observing whether products we develop grow over time and if our clients see a significant return on their investment in digital. Analytics empower us to track KPIs and understand what is—or isn’t—working, and help us make data-driven product, marketing, and business strategy decisions.That’s why we’re extremely excited to announce an official partnership with Amplitude, the creators of a powerful toolkit that explores product insights.
Amplitude is an award-winning analytics tool used for apps, websites, and all types of digital products. Characterized by a more behavior-based approach, it strays from the status quo of other analytics platforms and meticulously visualizes every path of the customer’s journey.

Amplitude provides friendly, comprehensive functionalities that help answer product questions, creating an extremely user-friendly space for anyone to dive into— marketers, product managers, and CEOs alike. Clients can access product data, monitor reports, and refine business metrics, reaching a greater level of engagement and revenue for their company.
Fueled offers digital transformation services that are directly compatible with Amplitude’s behavior-based competencies. We go through necessary growing pains in order to create a living, working product strategy that’ll continue to evolve. And in the long run, our partnership will allow us to collaborate and design auspicious, state-of-the-art solutions that guarantee user satisfaction.