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Meet Countable: The Non-Partisan Political News App You Need to Download Right Now
Countable is a non-partisan, political news app that aims to keep users aware of the issues that are happening in government.

Anyone can see (and feel) that our current political climate is extremely unstable. We consume news of protests, controversial bills, and Twitter battles between rivaling politicians on a daily basis; it has sadly become our norm. And although it’s hard to keep up when everything is so fast-paced, it’s more important now than ever to have a say in what kind of future we want to fight for.
With a desire to uphold democracy and encourage civic duty, Bart Myers, Alex Kouts, and Andrea Seabrook banded together to digitalize the way people engage with government. With extensive backgrounds in journalism, entrepreneurship, and tech, the three met to brainstorm a solution that would make politics digestible for the crowds. The result? Countable, a 2014 startup that encourages American citizens to make information-driven decisions on political conflicts.
Countable is a political news app that aims to keep users aware of the issues that are happening in government. Receive succinct non-partisan summaries of the latest news and view discussions that are for or against a particular argument. Summate your own opinions on issues without being influenced by any particular party. If you want to filter and categorize content that’s relevant to the news you’re interested in, create your own Action Center. Save all the information in one place and share it with your cohort to spread more awareness!
Have a deeper concern you’d like to address to a politician? 3D touch the app icon and have Countable provide a hefty list of representatives’ names along with any additional contact information you might need to get their attention. Send in a video message or simply call them on the phone— either way, the app will make sure that your opinions don’t go ignored.

Countable was featured on the NY Times, TechCrunch, and Wired. It was also promoted by high-profile celebrities like Sophia Bush and Olivia Wilde. Shortly after the start of Trump’s presidency in 2017, the app saw a growth of 295,000 new users and a whopping 1,500,000 messages sent to Capitol Hill. It’s a clear indication that America will not stay apathetic when it comes to making significant decisions for the country, and Countable will continue to grow as a trustworthy platform where people can advocate the causes they’re most passionate about.
In an era of fake news and highly biased reporting, citizens must become more educated about the news that they’re consuming and discover more modernized ways they can get involved. Download Countable now and help make those changes happen!
But enough about other people's apps.