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Article in App of the Week category.
Slopes: Ultimate Ski Tracking
Oh, you feel that? That little bit of a nip in the air? Yeah... that means winter is fast approaching, as well as the litany…
Oh, you feel that? That little bit of a nip in the air? Yeah... that means winter is fast approaching, as well as the litany of winter sports. Skating! Snowboarding! Skiing! Much time seems spent on fitness like bike riding and jogging, but why not show the winter sports some love? That’s exactly what Slopes is here for.
Just like with cycling or running, when tracked with Slopes, you can see tons of metrics, including your paths. You can see how many days you’ve skied, how many runs you’ve put behind you, and how long you’ve spent on the slopes. You can view your exact paths which are color-coded based on your relative speed. Where you went fast the line turns green, and where you dragged it turns yellow then red.
The logbook also can break down other fun stats. See your top speed, your tallest run, your peak altitude, and your longest ride. Your runs are all featured on 3D models of the mountains you’ve skied down and the locations are featured like memories in the Photos app. By the way, photos can be added so you can relive all your past trips. With the rides recorded, you can view 3D replays in the app or using augmented reality. It shows the mountain or hill in 3D and it will follow you down the hill just as you rode down.

Aside from the ride metrics, your’s are here too. Things like your heart rate and calories burned as tracked by your Apple Watch. This feeds the fitness insights where you can analyze your runs to see where your heart rate lived. How long was spent in the weight management range, how long was spent in the aerobic/endurancerange, or the anaerobic/performance zone?
As skiing can depend so much on conditions, these can be found in the app. Before you even hit the slopes you can take a look at how the conditions of the slopes are. Other users can report how much is fresh powder and how much is packed down. It can also be flagged icy or groomed.
Lastly, everything here can be shared. You can compete — and crush — your friends and family in multiple competitions such as how much you’ve skied, how far you’ve ridden, or who has gone the highest. You’re all ranked in the standings and you can push yourself to be the champion.
I haven’t skied in a few years now though I used to go out each and every winter. This app has me itching to go again. Whether you’re a new skier or a tried-and-true veteran, this is the must- have hilltop companion.
But enough about other people's apps.