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Every single day there are new startups popping up everywhere. They generally all face the same problem that make or break any great start up, seed money. This is where VentureHacks' Naval Ravikant and Babak Nivi saw an opportunity and created a great startup to remedy this problem called AngelList. AngelList is like a craigslist for startups where you can either be a startup or, properly titled, Angel (an investor). Startups can search Angels profiles which provides basic information as well as their habits of investing, markets they are interested in and who they co-invest with. The Startups create a pitch and select investors in which only they and the AngelList admins can see. After the Angels review different pitches they request an intro for the ones that they are interested in. If the admins find one that they like they will reach out to the start up and work with them to email the pitch to the investors that they chose. AngelList suggest "If you don't hear from an admin in 48 hours, please keep updating your pitch as you make progress and they'll keep reviewing it".
AngelList offers a great opportunity for struggling startups, it allows them an easier solution to find an investment and to take their business to the next level.
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