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Article in App of the Week category.
Stay in-the-know for All Your Food-Based Holidays
My wife loves those random daily holidays such as "National Sit on Your Hands Day” or “National TV Binging Day.” Food Holidays is an app…
My wife loves those random daily holidays such as "National Sit on Your Hands Day” or “National TV Binging Day.” Food Holidays is an app that takes fun, mini-celebrations and puts them into a single calendar-themed package.
The app is really just a calendar that's themed around food. You have your typical grid with the days of the week and dates, but each day has an image of the corresponding holiday. The image goes over the edge of each box while tinting the background with a slight gradient. It makes the whole app look colorful and fun.
When you select a day to learn more, there’s a full-screen, edge-to-edge image color-coded to match. You can add it as a favorite or as something you want to try, like pork rinds! Each day has a bio you can read to learn how the day came to be. Some even have recipes.
As far as native iOS features, this quirky app supports system-wide dark mode and four different widget types. You can be reminded right on your Home Screen that today is National Milkshake Day — don’t miss out on the celebration! Plus, it still acts as a normal calendar widget with the date and day of the week.
Finally, you can create your own push notifications. Each day you get updates as to what special food-based occasion is coming up. Personally, I include these in my daily summary to get psyched for the day.
The app syncs via iCloud, ensuring your lists are copied across your iPad and Mac. I know this is a simple app, but I really like it. The developer did a good job with the images for the buttons that remind me of a well-built kiosk system.
But enough about other people's apps.