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This Week in Mobile: Samsung, Lyft and an Isis App Crisis
Samsung, Lyft and an Isis App Crisis! Your weekly knowledge of the mobile industry!
Here at Fueled, a design and development company based in New York and London, we are obsessed with everything that happens in mobile, be it rumors of iPhone hardware, delectable Android updates or new apps we love.
Every Friday, we’d like to help you top up your weekly knowledge of the mobile industry so you can keep your finger on the pulse.
Samsung Decline

Samsung reported a second quarter operating income down 24% from the previous year, marking a two year low. Samsung blamed the weak profit on the Korean currency's appreciation against the dollar and sluggish demand. via Business Insider
Indestructible Screen

A video showing the iPhone 6's new sapphire crystal screen withstanding scratches from a knife was deemed the real deal by an expert who was consulted by Apple 18 months ago. The video, purportedly from the 4.7 inch iPhone 6, underwent many torture tests and emerged victorious. via Cnet
Lyft in the Big Apple

Despite threats from New York City's Taxi Commission, ride sharing app Lyft launched in New York this week. The company is now live in over 60 cities across the United States. This might explain why Uber recently slashed prices in the Big Apple... via Business Insider
Isis Crisis

Well, this is awkward. Isis, the mobile wallet app, announced this week that it will rebrand to avoid sharing its name with ISIS, the terrorist organization that has been making headlines recently."Changing a brand is never easy, but we know this is the right decision – for our company, our partners and our customers." said CEO Michael Abbott. The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS) has been responsible for thousands of gruesome deaths in Iraq and Syria in recent months. via The Verge
Cool App: Kimd
Kimd is a new camera app that dims the light of your smartphone screen while you're at a concert, so as not to disturb your fellow concertgoers. Watch the video above to see more.
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