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This Week in Mobile: Tweet Shopping, The Tinder Saga, and a Curved iPhone 6
Tweet Shopping, The Tinder Saga, and a Curved iPhone 6:Every Friday, we’d like to help you top up your weekly knowledge of the mobile industry.
Here at Fueled, a design and development company based in New York and London, we are obsessed with everything that happens in mobile, be it rumors of iPhone hardware, delectable Android updates or new apps we love.
Every Friday, we’d like to help you top up your weekly knowledge of the mobile industry so you can keep your finger on the pulse.
In-Tweet Shopping

Is the world ready for Twitter shopping? This week, Re/code discovered "Buy Now" buttons on tweets only tweeted from the shopping app, Fancy. For now, the button is unlinked and both companies are keeping silent, but it appears that in-tweet shopping is coming soon. via Re/code
iPhone 6 Curve

As we know, rumor has it that the iPhone 6 will come in a 4.7 inch model and a 5.5 inch model with curved glass displays this fall. Photos leaked this week show what is thought to be the 4.7 inch display with a more subtle curve than what was first predicted. via Business Insider
Tinder Drama

The popular hookup app Tinder has been in the news all week. Whitney Wolfe, former vice president of marketing for Tinder, is suing the company for sexual harassment and discrimination. Over the course of the week, things have gotten pretty messy... via Businessweek
Sans Glass

Just a week after the headsets became available in the UK, Google Glass has been banned in cinemas across the country. The Cinema Exhibitors' Association announced a blanket ban on the technology over fears of piracy in theatres. via The Guardian
Cool App: Wutwut

Wutwut may sound a little silly, but the apps use of push notifications has us interested. Wutwut allows users to send messages to Facebook friends that have also signed up for the app. The catch? You can’t see which of your friends are on the app, you don’t know who sends a message or receives your messages, but you can mute a user without knowing who they are. Intrigued? Check it out here.
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