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Top 5 Resources Every Tech Recruiter Should be Using
As the tech industry continues to grow, the necessity for great individuals within this industry has grown as well. Companies and startups are always on…
As the tech industry continues to grow, the necessity for great individuals within this industry has grown as well. Companies and startups are always on the lookout for great talent and to find them, organizations are hiring expert technical recruiters. These tech recruiters have a huge responsibility to find great candidates and with such high demand, this is no easy task. Here are 5 resources that every tech recruiter should use to get ahead in the recruitment process.
1) Perhaps the single most important skill a recruiter must have is extensive knowledge of the craft.
The ability to pursue great talent also means the ability to understand the knowledge and activities these prospects will be involved in. For a tech recruiter, the best opportunity to gain these skills is with Geekology. As their motto goes, Geekology "puts the technical in technical recruiter.” Geekology is unique because it doesn't present confusing and/or unnecessary knowledge that is not applicable in a recruiting process. Instead, it gives a focused approach, tailor-made and designed for technical recruiters. The extensive program prepares any tech recruit for the job.
2) As a tech recruiter, the process has to start with finding potential talent. The question is where to look.
AngelList offers an opportunity to recruiters to find talented individuals in the tech world. As reported by Tech Crunch in 2016, AngelList has doubled its active jobs candidates list worldwide. This gives tech recruiters a huge pool of talent to really choose from and go after.
3) In any recruitment process, organization and efficiency are key.
In these times, this might be even more critical for a tech recruitment process. High demand for technical prospects means even the smallest details can make the biggest differences. Through Trello, management of different projects within teams is easier. This gives tech recruiters the opportunity to communicate with other members on the team and give updates on certain job candidates without time-wasting meetings. Some may call it an efficient and organized checklist that let teams collaborate.
4) Constant contact with potential candidates is important for any tech recruiter.
Consistent emails and follow-ups indicate to potential job candidates that you are interested. With Boomerang, tech recruiters have the opportunity to send emails and/or messages at specific times, set up email reminders, and overall have an opportunity to stay in constant communication with candidates.
5) Tech recruiters want to be active in the tech community
and that entails engaging oneself continuously with trends and with others who are vocal about tech. The online publishing platform Medium gives tech recruiters this opportunity to read and even write on developments and movements that are going on. This activity can certainly go a long way in the recruitment process.