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Our Top Sites For Design Inspiration
Fueled Creative Director Rob Palmer sends out a weekly roundup of the best sites out there now, based on design and meant to entertain and…
Every week at Fueled, our London-based Creative Director, Rob Palmer, shares a handful of inspirational websites with our teams in New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago. This weekly email acts as a virtual water cooler, encouraging us to congregate across time zones and discuss what brands and blogs are doing to push new trends in web design.
Nicolas Errera

This site is dedicated to the french composer, Nicolas Errera, and has a number of beautifully refined details that add to its web design. The background music sets the tone of the site and allows the viewer to experience his composition while exploring what each page has to offer. The color scheme is subtle with matted hues of green and blue, and a gray filter slides from left to right behind the words on the page. The movement complements the progression of music, and it slowly brings the text to life.
Falter Made By Wild

Falter Made By Wild is exceptional in its web design and creates an interactive experience for its users. The entire site is built on one page, allowing it to feel continuous and infinite in movements. On hover, your mouse becomes a small circle, and by dragging down, you are brought to the next page with a smooth transition. The navigation bar is also authentic in design: it sits at the bottom and the page numbers tick - similar to an old digital clock - as you progress further into the site map. The last page has the coolest feature of all, where you can click down and drag the image of an arm to meet a reaching hand at the bottom of the screen. When the two meet, the whole page shakes and shatters. The entire visual effect allows you to feel as though you’re literally reaching your hand right into the website to be a part of the experience.
Studio Marani

Studio Marani’s site is cool and creative in its web design. When first entering the homepage, everything appears above the fold and different cinemagraphs slide across the screen from right to left. Depending on where you hover, your cursor either appears transparent with a white outline or as a solid black hand. The inversion coupled with the photographs is slightly reminiscent of a photo reel of negative images. Each page transition is smooth and linear in movement and the overall feel to the site is clean and straightforward.
Granny’s Secret

Quaint and sweet in style, Granny’s Secret is a website for delectable recipes and dishes. There are three different pages to explore - The Story, The Products, and The Recipes - all of which are unique, but have certain congruencies to remain uniform throughout. The color scheme is bright green, making you think of the fresh food coming from the earth, which highlights the theme of natural foods. There are layers upon layers of cool features on this site - each page just has another detail that brings you further into their history. For example, in the village section of the story page, a delicate dotted line sits at the center and acts as the navigation bar. By dragging your cursor over the line, your view of the landscape becomes panoramic and brings you closer to the image. Another detail is the wait time between page transitions: a charming squiggly line replaces the typical Mac pinwheel as the next page loads. Overall, Granny’s Secret has a Mom-and-Pop feel to their site, providing a warm and welcoming feeling for their customers.
Creative Lab 5

Creative Lab 5 is a truly one-of-a-kind website. The homepage features the Google logo made up of colorful geometric shapes. These aren’t just any shapes, either: you can edit them by dragging and creating your own desired contour, giving them body and life. This page is all about creativity; it acts as the cover letter to your application. When typing in the search box, you can customize your font, color, and size - and for an extra fun feature, you can even play with the shape of its outline to make different quadrilaterals. The next page of the site allows you to fill out a form, including everything from contact info to a detailed description of your profession. At the end of the process, you can “submit” your form, and you’ll end with a link to the full two-page website that you just created. Talk about a cool, personalized way to apply for a new job. Creative Lab 5 is the ultimate interactive website and it provides a creative, playful, and completely authentic experience for its users.