Article in Under the Hood category.

Fueled’s Sites for Design Inspiration

Weekly roundup of web designs that inspire the Fueled team

Every week at Fueled, our London-based lead designer Rob Palmer shares a handful of inspirational websites with our teams in New York and Chicago. This weekly email acts like a virtual water cooler, encouraging us to congregate across time zones and discuss what brands and blogs are doing to push new trends in web design.

Google + Photos

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Google does a great job introducing the features of it's Google + Photos platform on this site. It's interactive, it's animated, it's clean and simple - just like you'd expect hope a Google product to be.

Google + Photos


LA has never looked so dark. This is a full screen interactive advertisement for the movie Nightcrawler, starring Jake Gyllenhaal. Instead of just offering a trailer, the  site offers an engaging interactive experience that incorporates clips from the movie. Our biggest critique? We're not a big fan of sites that auto-play videos with audio. More sites should make use of the page visible API to play only when someone has the page tab open.


The Selfie Collection

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What do all Millennials love? Selfies. What are all millennials at risk of? Bullying. Or so Microsoft would like you to believe. This tumblr, sponsored by the Nokia Lumia 735, showcases "un-selfish" selfies from "Nordic fashionistas" supporting a charity that presents bullying in the Nordic countries. It's a weak marketing campaign but we like to see what people design on Tumblr. It's not entirely easy to navigate but hey, it's for a good cause.

The Selfie Collection

Composure Dock

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When you finally get your hands (or wrist) on an Apple Watch, how will you charge it? These designers have developeed a wood charging block for the "magical" Magsafe inductive charger. While the website won't blow you away, the product shines. We particualrly like the scrolling effects.

Composure Dock

Brandon Johnson

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Dr. Brandon Johnson is a Planetary Scientist that specializes in impact cratering, "which is arguably the most pervasive geologic process in the solar system." Enough to pique your interest?

Brandon Johnson

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Next post This Week in Mobile: Uber, Spotify, SnapCash, and WatchKit November 21, 2014