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This Week in Mobile
Every Friday, we’d like to help you “top up” your weekly knowledge of the mobile industry so you can keep your finger on the pulse

Here at Fueled, a design and development company based in New York and London, we are obsessed with everything that happens in mobile, be it rumors of iPhone hardware, delectable Android updates or new apps we love.
Every Friday, we’d like to help you “top up” your weekly knowledge of the mobile industry so you can keep your finger on the pulse. Here’s This Week in Mobile: Volume 18.
iPhones for China Mobile

After years of negotiating a deal, the iPhone is finally available for sale in China Mobile stores, China's biggest national carrier. In celebration of the launch, Apple CEO Tim Cook attended the China Mobile launch in Beijing this week to sign autographs and pose for pictures. via TechCrunch
JellyBean Over KitKat

The latest data from Google shows that the adaption rate of their two-month-old operating system KitKat is low at 1.4% The adaption rate for it's one year old system JellyBean, on the other hand, reached 59% this month, making it it the most widely used operating system among Android devices. For comparison, Apple's latest iOS7 platform hit 78% adoption last month, five months since its debut. via TNW
Starbucks Leak

This week, security researcher Daniel Wood published his findings on Starbucks' insecure handling of user information in their iPhone app. Although no security breech has been reported, Wood found that the app was storing important data- including user's email address, password, birthday, and mailing address - in plain text and locally on a device, making stored information vulnerable to theft. Yesterday, the company announced plans to update its app with "extra layers of protection." We know a dad in Washington, DC that must be devastated. via Forbes
LG G Flex

Sprit announced on Thursday that the curved and flexible LG G Flex will hit Sprint stores starting Jan. 31. Sprint is the first carrier to announce a launch date for the LG device and will be the first bendable, curved display to hit markets in the US.
Air Commercial
Did you see this iPad Air commercial? Apple uses poetry paired with captivaling, visually stunning images to make a beautiful- albiet a little intense- commercial for their latest iPad.
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