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Tyme 3 takes the headache out of tracking your hours
Most of us out there have done plenty of freelance work over the years. And an oft-frustrating chore of that is time tracking. Tyme 3…

Most of us out there have done plenty of freelance work over the years. And an oft-frustrating chore of that is time tracking. Tyme 3 is a powerful app that is crammed with useful features that also looks right at home on your iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, or Mac.
Tyme 3 is broken out into several tabs — projects, times, stats, and team along with settings. It works great for anyone working on their own or small teams. Projects get broken down into clients all with their own timers contained within.
The nested organization helps immensely in keeping track of time and allocating it where it should be accounted for. The “times” tab shows each day and where you spent all of your time including which project and what client. It is dead-easy to also start these timers right from your Apple Watch.
But the most visually captivating interface us is the statistics. We love data and seeing all of our time broken down in various graphs and calendars is fulfilling to see how much of our workload is utilized. The colors used are also amazing, giving off a fun, pleasing look. The whole app is skinned in a light and dark mode and they both look outstanding.

All of this data can be viewed in widgets too. You can see your calendar of time, this week’s usage, and your current timers. If you don’t want to set a timer manually, Tyme 3 can use geofencing to automatically start or stop a timer based on your location. Once you have your data, Tyme 3 lets you export your recorded times as a PDF, CSV, or raw JSON so that you can properly record it in any additional accounting or billing software you rely on. If you do not have one already see this link to find out Who we Help.
Just because tediously tracking your every minute sucks, doesn’t mean it can’t look good at the same time. If we have to track time, we’d rather do it with a pretty app that makes the whole process more transparent and revealing than the alternatives. Not to mention, subscribing to Tyme 3 not only gives us the iPhone version, but the iPad, Mac, and Apple Watch versions included.
But enough about other people's apps.