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Our Top 5 Apps We Love This Week
Apps Fueled loves this week: Carrot, Gojee, NeonMob, Monitor, 1 second everyday.

Every week at Fueled, we share an internal anthology of the week’s greatest new apps. As mobile developers, we’re lucky to hear about and download innovative new apps every day that make our lives easier, entertain us, or keep our eyes and hands busy in awkward situations.
Here's what's on our radar.
Carrot is one sassy alarm clock. The app's goal is to wake you up, and keep you up. After waking up to a original pump up song, you are prompted to complete a series of "hilariously bizarre" chores to turn off the alarm. You'll soon forget what a snooze button is.

Gojee began in 2012 as an app devoted to food. They've since branched out to include home goods and apparel. Due to popular demand, the company has re-launched a standalone app once again devoted to recipes and gorgeous food photography. Get ready to drool.

The brainchild of the inventor of the #hashtag, Neonmob is committed to building a space for digital art and incites you to "buy, trade, and sell digital collectibles with your friends." More than a couple people here at Fueled have joined and love it!

Although it may seem like you're constantly at your computer staring at your website, occasionally real life beckons. To help you avoid the catastrophic, download Monitor. As soon as your website goes down, Monitor sends you sends you a text message the second it happens.
1 Second Everyday
Inspired by a year of recording one second of his day, everyday, "creative human person" Cesar Kuriyama built this function into an app. It's fun and surprisingly easy to use. It's free for the first 30 days, but then it'll cost you. Incentive to keep recording, perhaps?