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The Top 5 Apps We Love This Week
Top 5 apps this week, Fitly, Moment.us, Recur, Breather, and Seene

Every week at Fueled, we share an internal anthology of the week’s greatest new apps. As mobile developers, we’re lucky to hear about and download innovative new apps every day that make our lives easier, entertain us, or keep our eyes and hands busy in awkward situations.
Here’s what’s on our radar.

Seene is one of those apps you wish you had thought of first. Formatted like Instagram or Vine, Seene lets you capture and share 3D photos instantly on your iPhone. Finally, the 1,000+ pictures you have of your pet beagle Murphy will have depth.
Every Senator in Congress has a secret hideaway: their own unmarked office in the Capitol building where they can go for some time out. Wouldn't it be lovely to have a private, quiet space to escape to? Enter: Breather. The app acts as a map to help you find a Breather space and escape from the daily grind. Breather spaces are private rooms that allow you to "chill, work or rest." Open to registered members only, these spaces are hidden throughout your area and can be reserved on the app for a half hour or an entire day.

It's easy to forget all the sweet things you do on a daily basis. Luckily, there's Recur. From the evil geniuses behind CARROT, Recur bills itself as "the reverse to-do list" to help you keep track of all of the sweet things you've done, from spit roasting an entire pig to hitting a hole in one (in mini golf). The app keeps track of your impressive stunts and reminds you when to do them again.
It's amazing how a song can take you back to a specific time or place. It's the closest thing we have to time travel. Moment.us helps you to remember these music moments. The app curates soundtracks to match your mood, environment or friend group and allows you to record stories and snap pictures to tie to a certain song or playlist. The app is only available in the UK.

Fitly is of the best apps we've seen that takes advantage of the M7 motion co-processor in the iPhone 5s. For those of you unfamiliar with the technology, the M7 co-processor chip gathers data from the 5s's accelerometer, compass and gyroscope and translates it into body motion. Fitly tracks your daily steps and keeps you motivated with gamification. We especially appreciate the clean design.
Did we miss any cool apps this week? Let us know in the comments!