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Simple Solution To Using Touchscreen Devices While Wearing Gloves
Now that it's frigid out, or maybe that we just experienced 2 feet of snow 2 days ago, is a good time to show you…

Now that it's frigid out, or maybe that we just experienced 2 feet of snow 2 days ago, is a good time to show you this. The weather has left many of our smart phones and other touch screen devices incapacitated while we are outdoors, unless you are brave enough to walk around with no gloves. Digits, a set of 4 pins that you attach to your gloves, allow your gloves to become conductive resulting in being able to use your touchscreen device without having to take off your gloves. Gizmodo stated:
They're genius! And they'll keep you from holding your right glove between your chapped lips while you race against frostbite to dial someone up on your smartphone. The Digits pins are comprised of one part that goes inside the finger and one part that goes outside, and they're capped with conductive silicone discs that'll make your gloves and gadgets fast friends. No telling how they'll affect your snowball game, though.
read the rest of the article at Gizmodo: These Simple Conductive Pins Make Any Winter Gloves Touchscreen Friendly
The idea is great, you may need to order a few more sets though, if you plan on getting into an intense game of Plants vs. Zombies outside. This is the simplest solution to using your touchscreen device outdoors. So next time you have to take a glove off to check into somewhere on Foursquare or make a reservation at OpenTable, remember you can just buy these simple pins and stick them into any glove you already own
picture from Quirky.com