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Webby Awards Adds Mobile Apps as New Category
The Webby Awards is an award ceremony to commemorate excellence on the web throughout the year, with the 15th annual ceremony to take place in…

The Webby Awards is an award ceremony to commemorate excellence on the web throughout the year, with the 15th annual ceremony to take place in May. 15 years in internet time is like an eternity, which is why the Webby Awards needs to constantly add new categories to account for the web's constant evolution. This year brand new category is, a much needed, Mobile Apps. The Next Web Mobile stated:
As the landscape of the web changes, the folks behind The Webby’s are adding new award categories to reflect the impact of emerging spaces on the web, and the buzz surrounding mobile apps have been exploding to say the least. In the last few years, mobile apps have been ingrained in our culture and mobile developers are driving an unbelievable amount of innovation on the web.
Mobile apps have earned themselves a nice cozy place in our daily routines, and definitely deserve a place at the Webby Awards. There are 25 mobile awards that can be won, including; lifestyle, best use of device's camera and best use of device's gps. TNW Mobile also noted:
The new app category will be judged by mobile experts such as Biz Stone (co-founder Twitter), Dennis Crowley (co-founder FourSquare), Jeremy Stoppelman (CEO Yelp.com) and Thrillist’s co-founder Ben Lerer. A group of people who’ve all been integral in the mobile app realm.
Read the rest of the article at TNW Mobile
It is amazing that Mobile Apps has not been a category until just this year when they have been embedded into our everyday lives. It will be exciting to see credit finally given to some of the incredible apps out there.
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