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Week in Mobile: Olympian Edition

 1. PayPal Latest Talent Buy

Somewhat satisfying news for entrepreneurs: As Owen Thomas points out,’s mobile credit card scanning technology itself isn’t so groundbreaking, but their staff is impressive; the acquisition is a talent buy, designed to bring to PayPal some of the startup’s entrepreneurial energy.
Read the PayPal announcement

2. Smartphone Market Data Brings More Disappointment to Microsoft, Nokia

Not surprising, Windows’ mobile OS’s didn’t even enter into the equation when Fueled Director Ryan Matzner spoke with Business Insider about app developers platform choices.
See the chart at Business Insider

3. Beware Mobile Malware

Mobile malware apps are a real thing, and they're getting worse (a 400% increase between Q1 and Q2). Android users are easier targets, given the relative openness of the platform. If you’re concerned about the data on your phone, consider installing a security app.
Read the full story at ZDNet

4. Gogobot Launches iPhone App

Gogobot, the social travel site already surpassed a million users and is a well-regarded resource for travelers; now that they've developed an iPhone app to go along with it, expect big things to come for the brainchild of former MySpace and Yahoo! employees.

Read more at Business Insider

5. iOS Olympics Apps

We’re less than ten days away from the Opening Ceremonies in London. If you plan on following the Games and have an iOS device, we’ll be back next week with our own list, but in the meantime check out Jacqui Chen’s advice on the best iPhone apps for keeping track of the Olympics.
See the list on Ars Technica

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