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This Week in Mobile: Apps, Windows 10, and Lyft Prepares for War
Keep your finger on the pulse: top up on all that happened this week in Mobile.
Here at Fueled, a design and development company based in New York and London, we are obsessed with everything that happens in mobile, be it rumors of iPhone hardware, delectable Android updates or new apps we love. Every Friday, we’d like to help you top up your weekly knowledge of the mobile industry so you can keep your finger on the pulse.
Lyft War Money

Lyft is reportedly raising a new round of funding to compete with Uber. The company is rumored to be seeking more than it's last $850 million valuation. Uber, on the other hand, just raised $1.2 billion. via Business Insider
Windows 10 for Smartphones

Microsoft unveiled a bunch of new technology this week. Some stuff was exciting. Some stuff was...underwhelming, like the Microsoft 10 for smartphones announcement. The new OS on mobile looks a lot like the Windows Phone. via Verge
WhatsApp on Your Desktop

WhatsApp launched on desktops this week. The company's new web client establishes a live connection to the app on a users phone. via WhatsApp
New iPhone Camera Rumor

What's the latest iPhone rumor? Reports say that Apple might give the iPhone 6S a 10-megapixel camera. We'll just have to wait and see... via Business Insider
pplkpr landed on our radar this week. The app keeps track of your social life by anaylzing and auto-managing relationships. Using a smartwatch and an accompying smartphone app, pplkpr monitors your physical and emotional responses helping you to cut toxic friendships and keep the good ones. Check it out here.
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