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This Week in Mobile: Sunrise, Galaxy, and Apple’s First Andriod App
Top up your weekly knowledge of the mobile industry. Here is what happened in Mobile this week.
Here at Fueled, a design and development company based in New York and London, we are obsessed with everything that happens in mobile, be it rumors of iPhone hardware, delectable Android updates or new apps we love. Every Friday, we’d like to help you top up your weekly knowledge of the mobile industry so you can keep your finger on the pulse.
New Galaxy

Samsung sent out invitations to its latest Unpacked Event. That means, expect the newest Samsung Galaxy to be introduced March first. via Verge
Microsoft Buys Sunrise

Microsoft bought the popular app Sunrise this week. This is the company's second acquisition of a "hot" app in the last two months. Last month, Microsoft bought email app Acompli. via CNET
Apple's First Andriod App

Apple is working on its first Andriod app. The streaming music service will reportedly look to compete with Spotify. The app is the product of Apple's acquisition of Beats Music several months ago. via Business Insider
Madonna on Snapchat

Madonna premiered her latest video, Living for Love , on Snapchat's new featured channel Discover. We think this headline from Jezebel sums it up: "Madonna Desperately Clings to the Youth by Releasing Video on Snapchat" via Verge
Cool App: Detour
We're so excited for Detour, a new app that launched this week in the App Store. Detour takes users through guided audio walks right through their headphones. Check it out.
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