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What Are Businesses Doing With All Those iPads?
The iPad is a HUGE success and their our countless competitors rolling out with their very own tablets such as the play book or the…

The iPad is a HUGE success and their our countless competitors rolling out with their very own tablets such as the play book or the number of android powered tablets. The iPad heavily taking a bight out of the laptop market share, so much that Best Buy Chief said that it cannibalized laptop sales in half. The iPad is not just for personal use though. Venture beat stated that:
Companies are expected to purchase more than 10 million tablets in 2011, Reuters reports, based on a market forecast from consulting firm Deloitte.
80 of 100 companies on fortune's 100 list are either testing already using an iPad. On this list contains companies like JP Morgan Chase and Wells Fargo which usually are slow at adopting technologies. These companies are creating custom applications for their businesses.
I quite often walk into a business and see someone holding an iPad whether they be checking someone in, using Square as a payment option or simply checking their schedule.Needless another widely popular use of the iPad in the corporate world note taking. Restaurants even started adopting the technology and placed their menu's or wine list's on the device. The tablets serve as digital personal assistants. The biggest sectors to adapt using iPad's for business is health care and retail.
The iPad can can be used in health care by riding the office of all the unnecessary paper work, walk into a room and pull up the patients file right their on the tablet. One of the most interesting uses of the iPad's highly intuitive operating system is disabled patient's rehabilitation.
There is an infinite amount of ways to make a business more efficient using an iPad or another tablet. Tablets are becoming more and more popular in the business world and it is predicted that they will buy 10 million of them in 2011.
picture from psfk.com