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Article in App of the Week category.
The Best Writing App: Bear
Bear is a flexible notetaking app with features that allow for great editing, quick organization, and a multitude of export options.

With rising technology, more and more people are ditching pen and paper as they flock to tablets and computers. With a wide variety of apps, it’s hard to decide which best fits your needs as a writer. Lucky for you, we’ve scoured the App Store and did the research for you. Whether you’re a writer, a coder, or just need to take notes, our App of the Week, Bear, is the best app for all your writing needs.
Bear is a flexible notetaking app with features that allow for great editing, quick organization, and a multitude of export options. First and foremost, Bear is completely private; your notes and content are for your eyes and your eyes only. Bear’s editing and formatting tools are housed in a toolbar right above the iPhone keyboard so you can write with no obstruction. With Bear’s browser extension, you can seamlessly integrate web pages into your notes. Putting #tags directly in your content and notes allows you to easily organize your work into folders that are easy to navigate.
Note-linking: a feature we didn’t know we needed, but we sure are glad that Bear has it; this great feature allows you to easily reference a different note within your current note so you can easily navigate between similar content. What’s great about Bear in comparison to other apps is the export options. Bear offers an array of export options, including Word, PDF, Google Docs, WordPress (bloggers, we’re looking at you), and many more. If you’re looking to replace your notepad with Bear, you just might be in the market for Bear Pro. Priced at $1.49/month or $14.99/year, Bear Pro offers many additional features. Bear Pro allows users to encrypt their notes with a password, advanced export options, and syncing between devices so you can pick up where you left off.

Launching in 2016, Bear took the App Store by storm. Bear was voted App of the Year in 2016 and awarded an Apple Design Award in 2017. MakeUseOf and The Verge have featured Bear as the best replacement for other notes apps.
Download Bear and improve your note-taking process today.
But enough about other people's apps.