World Class Swift App Development

The Fueled Development team has mastered the Swift programming language since its introduction in 2014.  Our Swift developers build beautiful mobile apps with a central focus on easy-to use, polished design.  By doing so, we have become a leader in both mobile development and Swift development.

Who is Fueled?

Fueled is a full service mobile development shop.  With our team of designers, developers and strategists we utilize the Swift, Java, and Objective C languages to produce functional and beautiful apps.  Our team works hard to construct remarkable apps for mobile and web platforms standing out through both quality and polish.


Fueled’s office is based out of downtown Manhattan in a co-working space called the Fueled Collective.  The collective is home to 35 entrepreneurs and startups that add to our creative space.  Fueled Collective delivers a space where like-minded innovators can work in an open environment, gaining ideas and inspiration from peers to evolve their businesses. We've also got two other offices in London and Chicago.


Our product design house is selective about the projects we take on, only working on ideas we are truly passionate about.  Apps we develop have ranged from promising start-ups to large-scale enterprises such as Sony, Porsche, Barneys and more. We like to make apps that help or entertain our users in some way, rather than constantly be trying to sell them something.

Whether it is a budding idea you’ve always dreamed of creating, or the next big step in building your company, Fueled produces efficient, intuitive and engaging apps time and time again.  Our team of swift developers generate the highest quality user experience possible and won’t stop at anything else.

A Brief History of Swift Development

During June 2014 at the WWDC in San Francisco, CA, Apple declared their new programming language for iOS8 – Swift. Swift was created to replace its successor Objective C, as it utilizes the Cocoa and Cocoa touch framework. The updated language also hosts the power to build upon Objective C, giving swift developers the ability to pick up previous projects (iOS7) with the new code. That makes the transition from Objective C into Swift much easier, and will expedite the process of transitioning all iPhone apps into the new iOS. Working in Swift is faster and the actual language is stronger than some of its predecessors.

Thanks to our eye for design and polished user interface The Webby Awards, Creative Review, Communication Arts and more have awarded us.  We have also been lucky enough to create apps that have been featured in Apple’s “Best New Apps” page, exhibiting the quality we’re are able to produce with each app.


How our Swift Developers Work

Our development shop works along the lines of an “agile agency” whereby we build the core of the app through two-week sprints.  During these two week sprints we have all hands on deck, giving the client full attention from the developers and designers.  Biweekly meetings occur with the clients and the Fueled team to offer clients full knowledge of their apps evolution.


Even when Swift was still in beta, we’d already perfected the craft. Our swift developers love the clean and concise language that hosts an array of innovative characteristics.

Unique to Fueled, we add on a polishing stage whereby once our app is created, the polish comes in to fine tune. While polish is our forte, we make sure our apps are above all - functional.

Get in Touch with Us

Whether you've got questions about us, our process, app developments, or swift developers, we're prepared to answer any and all of your questions.