Clean Architecture

Tired of your projects getting a mess? Impossible to scale for more features and endpoints? I have a solution to your problems. Today we will explore clean architecture using abstract classes, repository pattern and use cases.

Why Clean Architecture?

Clean architecture is a design approach that emphasizes separation of concerns, agnosticism, and testability, among other principles:

  • Modularity, which means that the software is divided into smaller, independent modules. This makes it easier to add new features or modify existing ones without affecting the rest of the system.
  • Agnosticism, which means that the software is not tied to any specific technology. This makes it easier to update the technology stack over time, without affecting the rest of the system.
  • Separation of concerns, which means that each component of the software has a specific responsibility. This makes it easier to understand and modify the code over time, and reduces the risk of bugs caused by code that tries to do too many things at once.
  • Testability, which means that the software is designed to be easy to test. This makes it easier to ensure that the software works correctly, reducing the risk of bugs and making it easier to maintain the code over time.

Repository Pattern

First and foremost, let’s start with a BaseRepository definition, which will be the base of our project.

class ContextManagerRepository(ABC):
    def commit(self):

    def __enter__(self):
        return self

    def __exit__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None:

class BaseReadOnlyRepository(ABC):
    def get(self, id: str) -> Optional[BaseEntity]:

    def list(self) -> Iterable[BaseEntity]:

class BaseWriteOnlyRepository(ContextManagerRepository):
    def add(self, other: BaseEntity) -> BaseEntity:

    def remove(self, id: str) -> bool:

class BaseRepository(BaseReadOnlyRepository, BaseWriteOnlyRepository, ABC):

Some observations:

  • They are all abstract classes with abstract methods, inheriting ABC classes from python’s abc package.
  • We are using context manager to commit the changes in case of use of a database that supports it.
  • BaseRepository is a read-and-write base repository; you can also have read-only, for example.

Next, BaseEntity. It only holds an ID field and has two abstract methods from_dict and to_dict for convenience.

class BaseEntity(metaclass=ABCMeta):
    id: Optional[str]

    def from_dict(cls, other: dict):

    def to_dict(self):


In routes/v1, we have, which contains:

router = APIRouter()
firestore = FirestoreClient()
repo = FirestoreRepository(firestore.collection("users"))

async def get_users() -> List[UserResponse]:
    return [UserResponse.from_orm(e) for e in UserListUseCase(repo).execute()]"/users/")
async def create_user(user: UserRequest) -> UserResponse:
    entity = UserAddUseCase(repo).execute(user)

    return UserResponse.from_orm(entity)

We do several things here:

  • Creates an APIRouter for routing.
  • Creates a FirestoreClient for the repository.
  • Defines two routes that make use of the use cases. I’ll talk about the use cases soon.

In include the users’ router to the FastAPI application.

from fastapi import FastAPI

from app.routers.v1 import users as users_v1

app = FastAPI()

app.include_router(users_v1.router, prefix="/v1", tags=["users"])

Use Cases

This will be the heart of the application, where all business logic goes on.

Every use case receives a repository as a dependency injection, and has a execute method.

We have two use cases, one for listing users on GET /v1/users/ and another for creating users on POST /v1/users/.

First, we define a BaseUseCase which is a abstract class, for use as base of all other uses cases:

from abc import ABCMeta
from abc import abstractmethod

class BaseUseCase(metaclass=ABCMeta):
    def execute(self, *args, **kwargs):

Then we use it on two use cases, one for listing users and another to create. Since we are inheriting the BaseUseCase, we must implement the method execute, it is mandatory:

from app.use_cases import BaseUseCase

class UserListUseCase(BaseUseCase):
    repo: BaseRepository

    def __init__(self, repo: BaseRepository) -> None:
        self.repo = repo

    def execute(self) -> Iterable[BaseEntity]:
        return self.repo.list()

class UserAddUseCase(BaseUseCase):
    repo: BaseRepository

    def __init__(self, repo: BaseRepository) -> None:
        self.repo = repo

    def execute(self, other: BaseModel) -> BaseEntity:
        with self.repo as repo:
            return repo.add(transform(other))

with self.repo as repo, remember the context manager above? Here we’re using it; when it exits the scope, it will call the commit method from the repository.


For testing, we have a special repository, which stores the data on memory. Since the use cases accept a BaseRepository as a dependency injection, we can use it.

class MemoryRepository(BaseRepository, ABC):
    def __init__(self) -> None: list[BaseEntity] = []

    def get(self, id: str) -> Optional[BaseEntity]:
        return next((e for e in if == id), None)

    def list(self) -> Iterable[BaseEntity]:

    def add(self, other: BaseEntity) -> BaseEntity: = str(len(
        return other

    def remove(self, id: str) -> bool: = list(filter(lambda e: != id,
        return True

    def commit(self) -> None:

Let’s write a test for UserAddUseCase use case:

def test_user_add_use_case():
    data = {
        "name": "test",
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "avatar": "",

    repo = MemoryRepository()
    case = UserAddUseCase(repo)
    user = UserRequest(**data)

    result = case.execute(user).to_dict()

    assert len(result) == 4
    assert result["id"] == "1"
    assert result["name"] == data["name"]
    assert result["email"] == data["email"]
    assert result["avatar"] == data["avatar"]

It’s easy and fasts to write tests; we don’t need a separate database only for tests.

Data Transfer Object

In every request we want to validate the input, we’re going to use PyDantic for that.

class UserRequest(BaseModel):
    name: str = Field(min_length=3, max_length=64)
    email: EmailStr
    avatar: HttpUrl

Every PyDantic object must inherit BaseModel for validation. As you can see, we define 3 fields:

  • name, which accepts strings with lengths between 3 and 64.
  • email, which only accepts valid email addresses, internally makes use of the “email-validator” library.
  • avatar, which only accepts valid URLs.

In case of failure to validate any of the fields above, FastAPI will return error 422 Unprocessable Entity with a JSON body explaining what has gone wrong, for example:

  "detail": [
      "loc": [
      "msg": "invalid or missing URL scheme",
      "type": "value_error.url.scheme"

We can have the same for the response; it is a good practice to have separate entities because they may be slightly different; also, the response object has a special configuration from pydantic, which enable us to use the method from_orm, allowing us to loads data into a model from an arbitrary class. To use it, it is necessary to enable the ORM mode.

class UserResponse(BaseModel):
    id: str
    name: str = Field(min_length=3, max_length=64)
    email: EmailStr
    avatar: HttpUrl

    class Config:
        orm_mode = True
        allow_population_by_field_name = True

With all this in place, FastAPI can document our request and response on /docs endpoint automatically.

FastAPI auto-generated OpenAPI documentation
FastAPI auto-generated OpenAPI documentation

Deploy on Cloud Run

Cloud Run is a serverless solution on the Google Cloud Platform. It scales to zero, has a beefy option of up to 32 GB of RAM and eight vCPUs per instance, and under the hood, runs on top of a managed Kubernetes by Google.

You can deploy anything on it using Docker; there are no limitations!

We use a Dockerfile with multi-stage builds with Poetry for this project. This is enough to run on Run.

FROM python:3.10-slim AS base
ENV PATH /opt/venv/bin:$PATH

FROM base AS builder
RUN python -m venv venv
RUN pip install poetry
COPY pyproject.toml poetry.lock ./
RUN poetry config virtualenvs.create false
RUN poetry install --no-interaction --no-root --only main

FROM base
ARG options
ENV OPTIONS $options
COPY --from=builder /opt/venv venv
COPY app app
RUN useradd -r user
USER user
CMD exec uvicorn $OPTIONS --host --port $PORT app.main:app


Continuous deployment using GitHub Actions. You will need four secrets set up on GitHub:

  • GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS it’s a JSON; follow these steps to get it.
  • GCP_PROJECT_ID the project id that you have chosen.
  • REGION the region where you would like to run the service. You can find a list here.
  • SERVICE_NAME it may be any name that you like.
name: Deploy on Google Cloud Platform

      - main

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v3

      - name: Authenticate to Google Cloud
        uses: google-github-actions/auth@v1
          credentials_json: ${{ secrets.GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS }}

      - name: Set up Google Cloud SDK
        uses: google-github-actions/setup-gcloud@v1
          project_id: ${{ secrets.GCP_PROJECT_ID }}

      - name: Deploy to Cloud Run
        run: |
          gcloud config set run/region ${{ secrets.REGION }}
          gcloud run deploy ${{ secrets.SERVICE_NAME }} --source $(pwd) --platform managed --allow-unauthenticated
          gcloud run services update-traffic ${{ secrets.SERVICE_NAME }} --to-latest          


You can see online here.

The full source code is available here.

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