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How Life Would Improve if Apple and Google were based in NYC
The Fueled team put their heads together to predict how things might be different if our favorite products and gadgets were designed in New York…
The Fueled team put their heads together to predict how things might be different if our favorite products and gadgets were designed in New York instead of sunny California.
Siri would have a Queens accent
Her sass would sound 10x sassier.

Apple and Google wouldn't call Brooklyn Long Island
Their hipster developers would scoff at the idea of having their hood labeled "Long Island

Google Maps would know express trains
Sorry you're still stuck on the 6 train- if only Google Maps knew better.

Address in Contacts Would Have a Section for Cross Streets
Because where is 456 Park Ave?? You need cross streets, not just exact addresses.

EarBuds would be black
Because black is the new black.

Google Maps would default to suggest walking instead of driving
Let's face it- unless it's in the back of an Uber, you aren't going to be taking a car anywhere in Manhattan

Citibike would be integrated into transit options
You haven't actually tried one yet, but if they were in Google maps you would

Google Maps would have a crowd traffic layer (not just a car traffic layer)
The streets of Soho would constantly be red for "major traffic"

Google Calendar would have the High Holidays (not just Christmas and Easter)
Those guys in San Francisco never need to remember when to text their grandmother "Shana Tova"

Google Maps would have all subway entrances instead of one random one
Sometimes, they're not even close to where the real entrances are
Every phone would have a privacy screen built in
So people wouldn't stare judgingly as you look for love on Tinder

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