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Article in Culture and Recruiting category.
How to Get a Tech Job at Fueled: A Peek Inside Our People Operations
Getting a job in tech with Fueled isn't a "hack." We are looking for qualified candidates who can answer these questions...
Why? Because we are nothing without you. Because we’ve been candidates, too. Because we care. Because we want the best for you and Fueled.
Dear Fueled Candidate,
We know you’re weary of submitting your resumes to an online abyss and we understand how ridiculous it can be to get a job in tech, especially in New York. We get the feeling and want to be transparent about the hiring process here at Fueled. We may not be perfect, but we absolutely care about your overall experience.
Our process is pretty straightforward. The entire journey will take up to about 4-6 weeks, the details of which are explained below. There are, however, a few things you should know before applying. Most of these points are related to self-reflection. You don't need to "hack the system" to get tech jobs, you just need to show us you are interested and qualified.
Here are some things to think about before applying.

Lifting the Lid on What Happens During Recruitment
- We take the time to look at every application.
A really nice (but very busy) human being reviews each and every application submitted to Fueled. Please really consider your fitness for the position you’re applying for, and be kind with our time.
For example, Fueled is a Python Django shop. If you’re a backend dev specializing in Ruby on Rails, you most likely won’t be a fit. Make sure the hard skills listed on the the company’s job description match the hard skills listed on your resume. Sometimes star quality in one area will compensate for deficit in another. If you feel this is the case for you, leverage the opportunity to show us your creativity and critical-thinking chops. Make your case for why this tech job is perfect for you in your cover letter (which yes, we want you to write!).
- This exploration works both ways, and it starts here.
Before you apply, do your homework. Fueled is a special workplace, filled with extraordinary folks creating cut-above products. We were among the first mobile app development shops because we believed in the power of mobile design. We love what we do and are proud enough to talk about it. Read up on things written by us and about us. Form an opinion. Still with us? Apply.
- We want you to tell us a story, but keep it brief.
Fueled looks for the leader in every potential new hire, from entry level on up to directors. Storytelling is the language of leadership. Is your resume engaging? Charismatic? Compelling? Does the visual “look” of your resume tell the same story? I’ll stop short of suggesting you create a “page turner,” as we’d love to see this awesome story told on one page. Fueled values economical but compelling point-making. So do our clients.
Once you make a case that you would be great with Fueled, it’s over to us.

Our Promise to You, Aspiring Fueledie
- Your application will be considered.
There is no “black hole” at Fueled. While most tech jobs have a void that applications are thrown in, we are not in the game of recruiting same-old, same-old employees with identical backgrounds, which means we need to dig deep through the stack for someone incredible. The one thing that all our team members have in common is a sense of ownership over their projects, and a history of creating.
- This is an interview on both ends.
The first point of contact you will have is a screener with one of our People Operations team. The purpose of the call is to give you some background on our company and test your interest. We aren’t looking for a hard sell from professional interviewers; we are looking for a sign that the company, and you, are a good fit. We want you to be happy here!
- Yes, we have a culture, and yes, it is welcoming.
More than a “cultural fit,” Fueled is looking for a “culture enhancement.” Bring your whole, true self to this process and we will honor that no matter the outcome. Gender, race, religion, creed, and education have no bearing on our decision as long as you are a fundamentally good person with the chops to build truly world-class products. A Google Hangout with some of your potential team members, and secondary in-person meeting with your future supervisor serve to test your problem-solving skills and general affability. We get things done at Fueled — some products are created start to finish in three months — so we are looking for people who can collaborate and create well with others.
- You will know where you stand.
Stage four of our recruitment process is a final meet with your future supervisor and completion of an exercise on-site. At each step of the way, we will let you know where you stand with us.
We don’t put the hard sell on clients, and we won’t put the hard sell on you, either. The purpose of the recruitment process is to identify talented potential team members and bring them into the company. That’s it!
See you at the candy wall.