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Fueled’s Top 5 Mobile Predictions for 2014
Read up every Friday on what Fueled thinks are the most important new developments in the mobile industry this week!

Here at Fueled, a design and development company based in New York and London, we are obsessed with everything that happens in mobile, be it rumors of iPhone hardware, delectable Android updates or new apps we love.
Every Friday, we like to help you “top up” your weekly knowledge of the mobile industry so you can keep your finger on the pulse. This week, in honor of looking ahead at 2014, we've compiled a list of exciting predictions for the New Year.
Ubiquitous Mobile Broadband

We love speed. It's hard to imagine we once lived in a world with dial-up modems. In 2014, we predict that mobile users will have an even faster mobile experience as more carriers are jumping on the LTE bandwagon worldwide. We expect that most smartphones in 2014, both expensive models and cheap devices, will be LTE compatible.
2014 will also bring a better access to free WiFi in cities and communities across the country. At the end of 2013, we applauded the announcement from former New York City Mayor Bloomberg's "Harlem Wi-Fi Network," a free WiFi zone that will stretch from 110th street to 138th street in Harlem.
Curved Displays

At the end of 2013, LG’s Dr. Ramchan Woo declared that “the future will not be flat." We predict that 2014 will be the year of the curved phone, like LG's 6-inch LG Flex. Even Apple is said to be developing new iPhone designs with curved glass. Bring it on!
The Year Someone Wins Mobile Payments (Or Comes Close)

We're counting down the days to when we no longer need to stuff our leather wallets into our coat pockets after taking out green paper bills to split the check with a friend at dinner. The most aggressive player in the fin-tech landscape is Square, a San Francisco based company founded by Twitter's Jack Dorsey, which is well on its way to becoming the mobile credit card processor. Then there's PayPal, which was acquired by ecommerce giant eBay in 2002, and is used by 128 million users worldwide, making it the strongest industry contender for what we believe will be the key to owning the payments world: a single-sign on for financials. We're also impressed with Venmo and Dwolla, intrigued by Coin, and wondering, what the heck happened to Clinkle?
A Rise in Mobile CRM Startups

One of our biggest predictions for 2014 is a rise in the use of a mobile customer relationship management tools like Vtiger and Base, which enable you (and your employees) to use smartphones and tablets to interact with customer data anywhere. By expanding access to your company's CRM, you can guarantee effective communication with your consumers 24/7.
Wearable Tech

No surprise here! As we got a glimpse of the future in 2013 with Pebble and Galaxy Gear, 2014 is poised to be the year wearable tech takes off. As kale becomes more popular than Big Macs, and wearable tech for health monitoring becomes more mainstream, we expect this technology to skyrocket in both popularity and innovation.
iPhone 6
Two words: iPhone Air. We expect that thinness will be a crucial selling point for the next iPhone so expect the iPhone 6 to bring thin to the next level. There are already a couple of interesting hypothetical design concepts out there including the video above, which shows an ultra thin iPhone with similar capabilities to the current iPhone 5s.
What do you think? Let us know in the comments!