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This Week in Mobile: Project Ara, Glass, and the iPhone Killer
Here at Fueled, a design and development company based in New York and London we want you to know what is exciting in our industry…
Here at Fueled, a design and development company based in New York and London, we are obsessed with everything that happens in mobile, be it rumors of iPhone hardware, delectable Android updates or new apps we love. Every Friday, we’d like to help you top up your weekly knowledge of the mobile industry so you can keep your finger on the pulse.
The Mi Note

Chinese smartphone manufacturer Xiaomi introduced its latest smartphone yesterday. The Mi Note is 5.7 inches, making it slimmer and slightly lighter than the Apple 6 Plus. Could Xiaomi be positioning itself to eventually kill the iPhone? via Forbes

Nest CEO Tony Fadell is now head of Google Glass. Google will stop selling the inital version of Google Glass on Monday and plans to release a new version of the technology before the end of the year. Bring on Project Ara... via Business Insider
Project Ara
Google released a video of its modular smartphone Project Ara this week. The company also announced that it has designated Puerto Rico to be the market pilot site for the project. We can't wait. via Engadget
A $750,000 Snap

Snapchat is asking brands to pay $750,000 a day to advertise on the platform according to industry sources. Brands are interested in the app's access to the coveted teenage audience. via AdWeek
New App: Pick

Pick is a new desktop and iOS app that aims to take the pain out of scheduling group meetings. The app collects information from individual calendars to find a common time to meet. The best part of the app? It's pretty. Check it out here.
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