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This Week in Mobile: App Store Pricing, Uber, and #CES2015
Everything you missed this week in the mobile industry. Fueled wants you to top up on your mobile news.
Here at Fueled, a design and development company based in New York and London, we are obsessed with everything that happens in mobile, be it rumors of iPhone hardware, delectable Android updates or new apps we love. Every Friday, we’d like to help you top up your weekly knowledge of the mobile industry so you can keep your finger on the pulse.
$10 Billion Dollar$

On Thursday, Apple announced that, to date, the iOS App Store has paid out $25 billion to developers. $10 billion of that total was billed in 2014, a 50% increase from 2013. via Gigaom
App Store Prices

Speaking of apps, Apple's App Store minimum price adjustments took effect today. Prices rose to $1.19 in Canada, .79 pounds in the UK and to .99 euros in the European Union. via AppleInsider

Once again, nerds, journalists and techies decended upon Las Vegas this week for the annual Consumer Electronics show. Here's a good roundup of the best tech on ZDNet.
Uber New Years

We learned that Uber served more than 100,000 people around the world on New Years - even with surge pricing! The company is really trying to brand themselves as the place people turn for "safe, reliable rides." via Uber
Flashback Friday
Eight years ago today, Steve Jobs introduced the first iPhone to the world.
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