Award-Winning Mobile E-Commerce App Development

The app economy is expected to grow to $6.3 trillion in five years time. Yes, trillion! This boom is largely due to the growth of mobile e-commerce, which is adapting fast to capture the projected 6.3 billion users that will use "m-commerce" by 2021. Those users are expected to spend $946 on mobile commerce each year. That's almost three times what they spend now. Not only is there the potential to make a killing on mobile e-commerce, but a windfall opportunity to differentiate yourself from your competitors with far and away the best app experience.

At Fueled, we believe the rise of mobile e-commerce presents an unprecedented shift in market behavior. A captivating, well-designed app will breed loyal customers, meet an instantaneous need for users, and open up your services to digital natives and Boomers alike. All you need to do to capitalize on this singular moment is enlist the right team. Fueled uses a plethora of strategies, from in-app purchases to upgrades, to monetize your idea.

Ready for a taste of what is to come?

Shop Now: Mobile Commerce is the real money maker

The idea that paid apps are the real moneyspinner is a myth. In-app purchases are actually far more profitable — these include everything from money transfer, ticketing, and location-based services, like weather forecasting and local discounts. Many of the buzziest apps are, in some respect, m-commerce apps. Uber, Venmo, and Instagram all have an m-commerce function.

Fueled will help you choose the features that best suit your business and branding goals.

Since transactions are moving online, away from brick-and-mortar establishments, and m-commerce can be an efficient way to turbocharge your revenue. It’s found in various forms, from taxi e-hail apps to games to shopping apps. Mobile commerce can also allow users to customize their online purchases, from networking with other users to changing the visual experience. Whatever it does, we love making business easier!

Mobile E-Commerce Features

What is in the mobile e-commerce toolkit? There are many different features that might end up in a commerce app. For starters, you have:

  • Product pictures
  • Product reviews
  • Secure payment options
  • Product descriptions
  • User profiles
  • Wishlists
  • Social login
  • User analytics
  • ApplePay
  • Push notifications
  • Community messaging

… but the first step to developing a product will be zeroing in on the core features you need to put out an MVP.

That’s where we come in. Fueled is skilled at approaching your business from a strategic standpoint and determining what will best solve your users’ needs. Not the bells and whistles, not a long, indented list of deliverables, but a smart strategy to build a brilliant app with an aesthetic users fall in love with. Done right, mobile e-commerce doesn’t just allow your customers to “shop,” it wraps online exploration and identity into a larger experience.

What sets Fueled Apart?

Fueled is a global leader in strategy, design, and development of mobile e-commerce apps. We’ve made it our business to help companies enter the mobile arena equipped with the best tools to increase user engagement and revenue. Every app we create is individually crafted for our clients from concept, to wireframe, to design and development. We’re located in New York, Chicago, and London. Our worldwide team gives us a richer, global perspective on successful apps and rising trends.


Make Money Now, Not Later

The amount of media we consume through our phones is steadily rising and will only continue to grow. Men statistically make more purchases on their mobile devices, at 16%, than women do at 13%. Total mobile sales are predicted to reach $31 billion by 2019. Now is the time to invest in a m-commerce app for your business.

Fueled isn’t interested in putting your product in the App Store and waiting to see what happens. Fueled wants your app to be featured. Too often, businesses create a free app but don’t create a strategy for monetization.

What is Next for Mobile Commerce?


M-commerce is an effective way to attract new users and customers. The capability to process purchases in-app will fundamentally change the user experience. Products and services will be instantly available to customers. Sessions will be stickier and more rewarding. Customers will rely on you more and more.

We are passionate about building an m-commerce platform that will cause clients to flock to your business. Fueled can deliver the peak experience that you’re looking for. Say hello today.

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