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This Week in Mobile
iPhone, Andriod, new apps! “Top up” your weekly knowledge of the mobile industry so you can keep up on all that's going on!
Here at Fueled, a mobile development company based in New York and London, we are obsessed with everything that happens in mobile, be it rumors of iPhone hardware, subtle Android updates or new apps we love.
Every Friday, we’d like to help you “top up” your weekly knowledge of the mobile industry so you can keep your finger on the pulse.
Here’s what went on this week in mobile.
The 5S isn't Perfect?
Apple support communities are abuzz over problems with the internal sensors in the new 5S. Apparently, the sensors are not reporting accurate information about motion or acceleration. This is particularly problematic for people that like to play racing games.
iMessage is also reportedly having problems. A bug in the iOS 7 operating system is disrupting iMessage by sending messages to the wrong contacts or failing to send messages at all. On Tuesday night, Apple finally admitted to the problem and said they are working on it.
In other iPhone news, Wal-Mart cut the price of the 5C down to $45. Rollin', rollin', rollin'.
Snapchat Stories
We didn't think this story was particularly newsworthy, but everyone else is very excited about it. On Thursday, Snapchat, the app you wish your little sister didn't have, introduced Stories. The new feature allows you to add 'snaps' to a stream that disappears after 24 hours, not just 10 seconds. It will be kind of like adding a video or photo status update throughout your day.
Eek, Ads!

Ads are coming to Instagram. We all knew it was coming, but that doesn't make it any less disappointing. Will this be the end of Instagram? Some think so. Both photo and video ads will begin showing up in feeds in the next couple months. Our hope is that they will be as subtle as Twitter's promoted tweets. Fingers crossed.
This might be the last week we talk about Blackberry. It's just getting too depressing. According to the ailing company's latest regulatory filing, Blackberry is expected to burn through almost $2.6 billion in cash over the next 18 months. This news came in the same week Rogers Communications, one of Canada's biggest wireless carriers, decided not to carry the new Blackberry Z30. Aren't you supposed to stand by your countrymen?
Twitter Mobile
Twitter was built to thrive as a mobile app and in its IPO filing on Thursday, the company cited mobile as the “primary driver" of their business. According to the filing, 75% of Twitter's 218.3 million monthly active users are accessing Twitter through mobile devices. Not surprisingly, mobile also accounts for 65% of its ad revenue.
What do you think were the big mobile stories this week? Let us know in the comments!