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CheckThis.com: Twitter With All The Trimmings
In today’s age of easy technology, everybody is a creator: photographers, musicians, artists, writers, and so on. With CheckThis.com, you can now add website designer…

In today’s age of easy technology, everybody is a creator: photographers, musicians, artists, writers, and so on. With CheckThis.com, you can now add website designer to that list.
CheckThis is a new micro-publishing service that allows you to create and share a single web page in just a few minutes, and it’s designed for people who need a little more space than a tweet but don’t want to go through the hassle of setting up a new blog. Signing up to CheckThis, and you’re asked to log-in to your Twitter account. Once that’s done, it’s a simple matter of following the icons on the screen to add your relevant data.
As soon as you click the Create a Page button, you can start adding a main title, text, and any type of additional content including images, audio, web links, lists, video, maps, and tweets. You can further personalize the page by changing the background image and specifying individual colors for each one of the content components. Sharing is easy once a page is published, with big Twitter, Facebook, Google+, and email buttons. The service creates a short URL type address, which makes it easy for anyone to simply copy and paste in emails and microblogs.
You can use your now ready-to-use web page to hire a new developer for your startup, set up a quick poll for that business class, share the photographs off you new camera, or create a unique and exclusive way to invite people to that housewarming party you’re having next week. With the payment processor option, which is a simple PayPal form, one can sell items without having to setup an account with eBay or other auction sites. Users can also share photos, videos and other rich media, which can be useful when selling a product, or showcasing an idea.
CheckThis offers a range of other features, including the ability to make your web page private or public. Have an announcement that’s only good for a few days? CheckThis also allows you to set an expiration date for the page, which you can later revoke if it becomes relevant again in the future. Once your web page is complete and to your satisfaction, you’re led to a dashboard with statistics regarding all the pages you’ve created. From there, you can manage your pages, add more and see what’s been happening with them.
CheckThis could be an incredibly useful tool for club advisers, PTAs, and other school-related organizations to publish a simple site that announces and provides details about a school activity. It could also be an easy-to-use tool for students to use to publish their essays, images, or videos without using a full-fledged blogging platform. So far, 10,000 personalized pages have been created in the past three months.